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The silence game

Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells AbsurdAbsol that Ike is a character from Fire Emblem*
*thanks Ike/jaketiger1116*
*asks why Everglider is lost*
*realises some assassin/rouge is staring me in the face*
*runs, fast*
*screams at the top of voice*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells LuckyLapras that she knows that Ike is a character from Fire Emblem*
*scares away the assassin*
*runs away*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*lets out another big "Oh"*
*thanks AbsurdAbsol for saving me from the assassin/rogue*
*carries on playing PMD2*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells LuckyLapras that PMD2 is awesomest*
*you're welcomes LuckyLapras for saving him from the assassin/rogue*
*does nothing*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*slaps self for failing at Mt. Bristle*
*agrees with AbsurdAbsol*
*wonders when my overflow of Forum Games will end*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells LuckyLapras that it's ok that he failed Mt Bristle because I did too*
*agrees with LuckyLapras*
*tells LuckyLapras that the ending is so awesome*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*tells AbsurdAbsol I don't usually suck at Mt. Bristle When I have my Mudkipz*
*also tells her I have played to the end of PMD2 already with Darkness and I have started again in Sky*
*swears at a Spinarak, the sole reason for my failure*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*says "Oh"*
*asks LuckyLapras which pokemon he started with in darkness and sky*
*tells LuckyLapras that some people call sky PMD3 for clarity*
*also tells LuckyLapras that I ordered a used PMD3 but got a PMD3 box and a PMD2 cartridge that I already have*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*says I was a Chimchar and I had a Turtwig as my partner in PMD2 and I am a Riolu and my partner is Shinx in PMD3*
*explains how ElectricTogetic recommened a Riolu+Shinx combo*
*celebrates the fact that I learned Force Palm*
*realises I won't be using it until late, I think*
*asks when Shinx learns Spark in PMD3*
*explains how PMD3 is basically the Pokemon Emerald of PMD2*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*replies that Shinx learns Spark when it does in gen IV*
*tells LuckyLapras to check Bulbapedia
*gets how PMD3 is basically the Pokemon Emerald of PMD2*
*rants about not getting PMD3*
*wants to play with a friend's PMD3*
*wants a Riolu+Shinx combo lunch*
Re: The silence game 7.0

goes through flashbacks of dizzy spells
*Shinx learns Spark*
*Obtains a Charizard and Walrein*
*listens to a BW Credits Metal Remix*
Last edited:
Re: The silence game 7.0

*is found, apparently* (?)
*clears throat*
*taps LL's broken spoiler tag*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*fixes spoiler tag*
*thanks Everglider for pointing that out*
*slaps self for making that mistake*
*realises PMD2/3 might be ruined for people*
*attempts to kill self*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*stops LuckyLapras from killing himself*
*eats half of a Big Apple and then gives the rest to LuckyLapras*
*wonders how the heck your belly size increases in PMD2/3*
*figures it out and eats an Apple at full belly*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*thanks AbsurdAbsol for saving a small part of my sanity*
*thinks about belly size in PMD2/3 as well*
*asks if it is in PMD1 as well*
*eats Big Apple*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Tells LuckyLapras that belly size seems to be in PMD1 but isn't sure*
*steals a Gummi from LuckyLapras*
*plugs computer into charger because low battery*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*explains how AbsurdAbsol just stole a Blue Gummi and Absol is a dark type*
*explains how I haven't played PMD1 before*
*plays PMD3*
Re: The silence game 7.0

*Explains how I like Blue Gummi anyways*
*Proceeds to steal a Black Gummmi and a Purple Gummi*
*eats the two Gummis*
*returns the Blue Gummi*
*waits restlessly for flight to arrive*
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