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Open The Sound's Specimens

Balia wanted to hit the Lucario with a well-aimed Flamethrower, and well - everyone else as well. But without her flames being perfect, she didn't think she could. "I'm sure you all will get along just fine without me then, if you think I'm so spoiled." she spat, already turning and look for an exit. Angry, and hurt that they had all turned on her so quickly... Oh, she'd get them. But right now, all that was important was that she stay angry, keeping her panic at bay.

They don't know what it's like. They think I'm useless! They all look powerful, even that mean Lucario. But they think I'm useless. All I get are useless flames, and a pair of wings. She seethed, focusing on feeding herself lies for the moment. Get angry... Anger helps you, makes you stronger... There was a song in her head - something about wings, which made her instinctively hate it.
"What are you doing with that hammer, Charizard? And why so serious, Lucario?" Squish was prepared to take out her Jigglypuff standard issue marker, and draw a happy face on the Lucario, Caramelldansen over to her.
Nallina tried to make her voice high and squirmy, all the better to taunt that insolent little puffball with. "Why are you commenting on anything that moves around you?" She got into a more defensive stance, making protecting herself an A-priority as notes punded her skull, singing a melody just out of comprehension.
[^^ Decided to make my character have a crush on yours, Evoli! XD A Chatot with a halo and a Scythe on his head, and a bat like, demonic Xatu. They seem perfect for each other!]

((They're such a cute couple. And not scary at all. xD))

And then she started singing the song again without knowing. It was sort of a lullaby, if any song involving eggs, nightmares and death could be one. Meda noticed for the first time she seemed to have two snakes on the back of her head instead of feathers.
"Oh, lovely. Now I'm some kind of Xatu-Zubat-Medusa. That's just wonderful. Just great."
The Xatu laughed and started humming again, feeling strangely cheerful.
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"Not like I know." Firaga said.

Her eyes oepned widely. She grabbed her hammer and started for Squish.
"DON'T HURT ME!" Squish screamed. She quickly jumped up, drew a face on the Lucario, and ran away to a corner. "Don't make me use Screech..." said Squish.
And Anseyu had had it. Without even thinking, she fired at anyone around her. Black bullets, almost as if they were made of darkness. The Jigglypuff, the Ponyta, everyone.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!!!" she screeched, "YOU HEAR ME?! YOU EGOMANIACAL LITTLE WRETCH!!" after she had finished firing, her body literally started shaking with anger. She was panting, and baring her now-enlongated fangs.
Firaga's eyes burned with anger. A twisted smile appeared on her face.

"WELL, YOU ARE GETTING A FACEFUL OF DEATH, YOU FAT, STUPID, PSYCHOTIC FOX-RODENT!" she growled, flying at high speed towards Anseyu, her hammer extended.

(Firaga also seems crazy. She's a freaking murderer, like Maxwell.)
The worst that could be said for Nallina was that she tripped and was bashed internally when a bullet scraped her skin. Nonetheless, she advanced towards Anseyu, momentarily distracted from her mockery of Squish and barely even hearing the outburst. In a nightmarish state, she raised her fist, squaring off as though the black Lucario were a male of her species.

[editory note: in case meaning is not clear, this does not imply that Anseyu is a guy. At all. 'K.]
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Eric squawked as he was clipped. Oh, now she's gonna get it, he thought as he spread his wings and flew straight at her, his eyes locked with hers the whole time. The whole time, he continued to absorb any dark feelings that the Xatu had
Defarge was angry. Now that idiotic Lucario was firing bullets at him. Defarge looked at the ground in front of him. There were five melted pieces of metal, all within a foot away from him. Defarge looked up. He felt his anger reaching a boiling point. Suddenly, he released an immensely powerful Flamethrower at the Lucario.
Balia whinnied and leaped, trying to - hey, it might work! - fly, or float, or something, but she fell pretty normally, a bullet hitting his shoulder. Stumbling, the Ponyta shuddered, trying to get away from the oncoming melee without making herself noticable. This. Sucks.
Bakun screamed and ducked behind a small chair when the Lucario started firing bullets.

How'd it do that?
He though, covering his ears and removing them when the Lucario stopped.
"Help! Help me!" Ziggio yelled to them. I hope they can here me, he thought. He tried to headbutt the cage, but nothing happened to the glass.
Squish barely dodged a bullet. "Hey there! Do what Barney says! Be happy!" She used a Moonlight to brighten up the place. "There," she said. "Now we can shed some light on your problem."
Anseyu leaped out of the way of the attacks, not without getting hit by the Flamethrower. She howled in pain and fell to one knee, grunting as she did so. Her eyes burned with hatred, and it showed even more in her tone of voice.

"Enough! Listen you idiots, we are NOT getting out of this if we keep fighting like this! Now, I'm sure everyone here wants to return to normal, right?!"
One of Meda's wings was tingling, but she didn't really seem to notice until she realized there was a small red puddle next to her, and a hole through part of the wing. Then it hurt. She squawked in surprised and pain, instinctively psychically attacking the Lucario, then folded her wings, growling.
"Then maybe you shouldn't be calling us idiots. And shooting people."
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Eric then felt pain and surprise as he absorbed the feeling from Meda. This helped to further fuel his attack on the Lucario, clawing at her eyes
Firaga flew down to the ground.

"Okay. I'll listen." she growled, "But if you get on ONE of my nereves."

She threw her hammer at a wall. It stuck.
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