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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
It's just sprites stuck on a card. Try scratching or at least pixelovers.![]()
I finished it, but it somehow didn't save.
I see nothing.I did a sprite thing above which needs crit. There's the scratching almost done.
Exactly. The sprite only had a copyflipped finger for "scratch". Hardly.The video!?
I fixed Sandrisu, but my Photobucket's not opened.
Not sure if it's PURE scratch. I see a different style on every end, and it seems to be a drastic improvement from the stuff in your gallery, especially on the shading on the legbits with the boostthingies; the head doesn't match up well.Yay! my first scratch/ fakemon!
Its a bug/electric type. Names? Crit? Help?
Instead of matching the shading style on the legs, always go for the easier option. in this case, that was changing the shading style on the legs instead of slaving away matching the legs with the head.I didn't fully scratch it, no. And I got rid of the outline for the bottom because I thought it looked better, and in fairness I have been working on this for months.
Just a few kinks and you're done; anatomy's mostly right, it's just a matter of transferring the fine details.
For example, Aerodactyl's head needs to be slightly longer, plus the ridge between the nose and the eyes needs to be more prominent. It wouldn't hurt to transfer the head itself to save you time.
Okay. I'll try to pay more attention to the details next time.
I might even fix it up a bit. Which is very rare for me. :)