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The Spriter's Showcase!

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I'd have to see the original drawing to see how it fares when it comes to closeness to the original (this was a pixel-over, right?)
But as far as the sprite itself goes, the anatomy could use some work. The neck has some kind of weird cone shape going on, and the head is shaped kind of wrong so the area where the head and neck connects looks off. Heads aren't perfect oval shapes-they're kind of rounder in the back and the jaw starts more towards the middle, and the neck meets somewhat in between. The eyes are also out of line with eachother. Black outline needs some work.
It looks like something outta One Piece, and judging by your avatar I'd guess you like One Piece... I've never watched it so I can't say anything about how good the show itself is, but what I've seen of screenshots, well... let's say the characters look pretty "off" sometimes. Personally I wouldn't use it for anime-anatomy reference. (If you weren't anyway, ignore this part.)
Most of these were probably problems originating with the original drawing, I'm guessing, but the outline itself (its being completely black aside) is well rounded and everything. It's just got that one pointy part on the right (our right) side of the head that looks wrong. Is it the eyebrow-flesh part of the face? Needs to be lower. When you get the kinks of drawing faces themselves worked out, I think you'd be just fine at tracing over them and making pixel-overs out of them.

And, once you have the rest taken care of, a nitpicky thing; simple looking characters like this need something like a lot of detailed shading and highlights to make up for the fact they don't have many details to decorate 'em and make them less plain and more pretty.
My advice would be to look at many references and study the shapes of the subjects, angles and anatomy of body parts, stuff like that. Scope out some mugshots from other games to get some ideas for shading styles, too. For an early attempt, it could be a lot worse; a combination of practice and observation should do the trick, in time.
Nice. The outline looks a little too black, and the the foot on our left doesn't look rounded over.

I know. I didn't even want to try shading the outline just yet. And yeah, I can see that. Thankies!

Oh, and it's from the sugimori art if people didn't realize that.
I haven't sprited in a while but here's some of my more recent ones... I hope I haven't lost my touch.


A Banette pixel over. It would be smaller but I used the cel-shaded image straight from Pokemon.com's Pokedex as the base. The shading doesn't match the Sugimori art's either, and I don't feel like going back and paling it up.


A trainer sprite I did a few days ago. She's really plain. A rehaul will be in order once I can find the female heroine's sprite from the trainer cards (yes, it's different, she's holding her scarf like a bowtie and it's an adorable pose, but I haven't found it ripped yet.) But this is what I have for now. Suggestions?


A revamp of the Red/Blue Kangaskhan sprite that I did just last night. It was like 3 in the morning when I was finished it. @_@

These sprites be the bitchin' graphics. [/camisadolingo]

I love 'em. <3
Ok... nobody has C+C my sprites in ages so plz give me a comment 4 this one

and this 1

oh btw... on this 1 dont say... the front legs are diffrent... there supposed to be lol!
nobody has commented about my second sprite:sad: oh well

I really NEED a comment on this one...

this sprite was my old avatar... I have now changed to primal dialga
Dr Frank: If you want to be good at spriting you have to spend time on it. "I took 5 minutes on this one" isn't an excuse. Some pixelartists take days, even weeks or months on one piece.

I have a WIP:


Trying to make it official-styled for a contest. Criticism appreciated. Still working on the body...
Dr Frank: If you want to be good at spriting you have to spend time on it. "I took 5 minutes on this one" isn't an excuse. Some pixelartists take days, even weeks or months on one piece.

(i) It wasn't an excuse.
(ii) Why should I have spent more time on it when it turned out whatever way I wanted it?
(iii) Please don't assume that I don't spend enough time on my sprites. Please.

Crit is still appreciated, though.
First of all, five minutes isn't enough time to do anything except maybe take a piss or walk one step. When it comes to art, the more time, the better. Have you ever read Sideways Stories from Wayside School? The short story on drawing covers that.
Second of all, why did you want to just change the fur? Generally it's better to aim high when you're working on something than to go low and have yourself criticized for not making something good.
Your recolor is fine, yes, but the issue is you're not trying hard enough. At all.

and l2accept crit.
Dr Frank: If you want to be good at spriting you have to spend time on it. "I took 5 minutes on this one" isn't an excuse. Some pixelartists take days, even weeks or months on one piece.

I have a WIP:


Trying to make it official-styled for a contest. Criticism appreciated. Still working on the body...

It's looking great Seika. Maybe try to add a more pointy tip to the end of the tail kissing the border? The one on the left.
Hello? Not everybody wants to spend a lot of time or got enough time to sprite. And again, not all of my sprites took the 'undesirable' amount of time. Please don't assume I'm apathetic.

Anyway, I want opinions on this:


I think the thing is that, on a deeper level, it looks like you're just fishing for a good comment by posting a recolor. It's very, very simple matter to make a recolor that looks decent enough, but due to the lack of effort usually involved in making it, most find it doesn't merit a compliment.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying recolors are a bad thing- making recolors is a way to practice making outlines which suit the colors you're using in a sprite, picking color palettes which look good together, et cetera, which are useful skills in scratch-spriting and sometimes even splicing. Colors can express the nature of a character, so not only do you want the colors to fit but also look good with eachother. Just don't get upset if someone thinks you're lazy if all you post is a recolor. Ask more specific questions, such as "How do these two colors look together?" and "How do they suit my subject?"

That said, since the body is white and that kind of makes the rest of the outlines look too dark. Maybe if you made the darker shade of white a little more dark, it would come together better, if you're wanting it to look stark and imposing. Either that or lighten the outline a touch, if you're going for a soft, snowy white look.
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Yargh, I haven't sprited in ages. I think this is the first thing I have made in like, 2 months, aside from some failed Kirby crap. I would call it a super splice, but most of the other parts I used were very small, so it is not like it matters. Sprites used: Frames 1 and 2 of Weavile, Frame 2 of Toxicroak, Frame 1 of Slowking and Houndoom. Lots(okay, maybe not THAT much) of scratch editing here and there. Also some shading editing, to make it look a bit neater than the official Weavile sprite and to accomendate the extra additions. How'd I do?

EDIT: Might be better if you use the Minimum Dewgong style to look at it, since the transparency throws it off a bit in the Roar of Time and, a bit ironically, Axe Murderer styles.

Yargh, I haven't sprited in ages. I think this is the first thing I have made in like, 2 months, aside from some failed Kirby crap. I would call it a super splice, but most of the other parts I used were very small, so it is not like it matters. Sprites used: Frames 1 and 2 of Weavile, Frame 2 of Toxicroak, Frame 1 of Slowking and Houndoom. Lots(okay, maybe not THAT much) of scratch editing here and there. Also some shading editing, to make it look a bit neater than the official Weavile sprite and to accomendate the extra additions. How'd I do?

EDIT: Might be better if you use the Minimum Dewgong style to look at it, since the transparency throws it off a bit in the Roar of Time and, a bit ironically, Axe Murderer styles.

It looks really nice. I particularly like the arms and claws. Making the outer claws shorter (or making the middle claws longer?) made its left (our right) claws look great and it makes the angle that much more... correct looking. It just looks wrong on frame two of the official Weavile. There's just something I like about arms and coming-towards-you angles done correctly that I really like. It makes a neat, dynamic pose, and kind of creepy, too. Like it's gonna getcha.
One really nitpicky thing, though... The angle of the head makes that symbol between the eyes off-center looking. Scoot that little red face over to the left by one pixel and it would look better. Maybe slightly adjust the our-right side of the shell helmet over to the left a little, where it attaches to the face, too. It's just a tiny nitpicky thing though.
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