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My new fakemon Jakallit
C+C please!
On the back of its necks, are those strips? ;o The right forepaw (our left) seems a little awkward, it appears to be twisted backwards.The left forepaw (our right) is a bit bulky up top.C+C for my first scratch fakemon?
It looks a bit off in proportions, and usually you would need to fix the shading on revamps.
ugh i need help with this C+C please!
how can it be off in proportions, if you're gonna call THAT off, how about you tell it to the one who originally MADE the sprite T_T
It's painfully clear that you just copy-pasted Brock's eye there.
Also, what's with the arm to our right? It's stretched at a ridiculously short angle
Lucas775: That made me laugh. :) Two things I can see that could be fixed: the first thing is that when I first looked, I thought Kakashi's eye was a bit too wide. And it also doesn't look like he's holding the book much, but that could probably be because you can't see his thumb from this angle.
Good but it needs some black lines on Kakashi, cause it just looks offYeah, if you could see it, his thumb would be parallel to the middle finger on the other side of the book.
Although I do see what you mean with the eye. How does this look?