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The Spriter's Showcase!

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I'm relatively new when it comes to pokemon spriting, but I had my go at scratching a fakemon line I came up with.



Pokedex: It is said a CLISP will bring good fortune to a trainer lucky enough to capture it.

CLISP uses its light frame to travel to safe areas via wind currents.



Pokedex: Due to the passive nature of CLISP, it is rare for them to evolve into a CLODIUS in the wild.

CLODIUS glides through the air with ease, slicing through anything in its path.


Other work I've done recently is this Yellow Seadra revamp, because I love the sprite, aaand the Lunatone pixel-over in my siggy. Concrit is appreciated! :D



The complete line + shiny

they look great, but the outlines of the yellow parts of the shinies look a bit rough...

I'm relatively new when it comes to pokemon spriting, but I had my go at scratching a fakemon line I came up with.



Pokedex: It is said a CLISP will bring good fortune to a trainer lucky enough to capture it.

CLISP uses its light frame to travel to safe areas via wind currents.



Pokedex: Due to the passive nature of CLISP, it is rare for them to evolve into a CLODIUS in the wild.

CLODIUS glides through the air with ease, slicing through anything in its path.


Other work I've done recently is this Yellow Seadra revamp, because I love the sprite, aaand the Lunatone pixel-over in my siggy. Concrit is appreciated! :D


I don't think your fakemon are emotional enough, but I think they're shaded very well, and I love the lunatone in your sig
All 7 of those sprites are G/S/C revamps of Red, Green, and Blue sprites. That is Red's team from HG/SS.

My best fakemon sprite so far.... Jakallant
C+C please


Another fakemon (Christmas mood, Jesus, star on head)
Its supposed to be really light.
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this is the first reply in like... forever and a day... lol
People dont comment here anymore! i is now sad.

This is supposed to be a thing... somebodys uber form. (Not Mine)

This is a HG/SS mantine devamp. I really like it. I even made the wings shorter. one of my best devamps.
any crits? (I dont think that they wont get any cos this topic is dead...)
this is the first reply in like... forever and a day... lol
People dont comment here anymore! i is now sad.

This is supposed to be a thing... somebodys uber form. (Not Mine)
The Wings on this thing are buging me. i think it's the choice of colours, they don't really work that well. Apart from that, it's fine.

This is a HG/SS mantine devamp. I really like it. I even made the wings shorter. one of my best devamps.
This, on the other hand is quite good. I like how you have edited the outline. I have just one small nitpick though. The wing to our left seems to end in a square. If you rounded that out a little, it would be fine.
any crits? (I dont think that they wont get any cos this topic is dead...)
Ketsu said:
Hey look, a terrible self-sprite!

I like the body, but the shading is off. The leg to our left is barely shaded. If the light was coming from top left as the highlight suggests, then the bottom right part of the leg would be darker because a leg is round, not made of flat surfaces. The rest of it is okay, but i would cut down on the dithering. It just makes it look weird to me.

Made for a friend. View his original art here.

My scratching has gotten much better, as you can see. Yep, no splicing whatsoever.

Could I have some crit on this? It's been sitting here for more than half a month. :<

EDIT: Since that has been here for a month, I doubt this will be revived. But if it is:


Please note that the lighting is closer to the Kirby games and that I wasn't going for a specific shading style.
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EDIT: Since that has been here for a month, I doubt this will be revived. But if it is:


Please note that the lighting is closer to the Kirby games and that I wasn't going for a specific shading style.

Is adorable *squeezes Waddle Dee* the only problem is that I can't find one. However nitpickers may find things. Good Work!

Now hears my latest work: http://silversail.deviantart.com/art/Castform-Scratch-149056189
I don't want crit on how it is facing the wrong way -_-u
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