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The Spriter's Showcase!

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Well its kind of pointless if you don't want the colors for a recolor mentioned ^^;
I try! Well if the colors were not as bright, this would be a good recolor, but are some of those from the Paint colors toolbar? If so NEVER EVER use them. The pink is a bit iffy cause the shade is too light compared to the darkest outline. Either recolor that or make the pink outlines darker. Oh yeah and please use different colors next time (so are eyes won't be killed XD) sorry if I was naggy or annoying!
'Kay since my shop's stopped getting requests after I finished the first one, I guess I'll just post this here...


C+C? (If you don't comment on how disgusting it is, I will be offended.)
Oh so DISGUSTING!!! (If you really wanted me to say that)

What the hell is it? It lacks shading. The head looks oddly place and the eyes also seem odd.

(I'm SO TERRIBLE at critique...)

EDIT: C+CC for:
It's called "Mimichu". Heck, why did I go to the bother of naming it? The name's rubbish.
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It does. I'm looking at it from Minimal Dewgong Style, and it looks like the shading from Yellow or Silver...
Oh so DISGUSTING!!! (If you really wanted me to say that)

What the hell is it? It lacks shading. The head looks oddly place and the eyes also seem odd.

(I'm SO TERRIBLE at critique...)

EDIT: C+CC for:
It's called "Mimichu". Heck, why did I go to the bother of naming it? The name's rubbish.

What is it? I'm glad you asked ZuZu! It's a splice of 7 different pokemon, and it is the ONLY splice that has ever made my stomach churn.

The head is oddly placed because it's a cubone's skull on a typhlosion head. To be honest, it looked better without the recolor. Also, that's Mukk's mouth on it's stomach/pelvis area, which was why it made me feel sick while I was making it.

I meant to make the eyes look weird. If you look in my sig, the only one made by me has the same eyes and the same color, cuz I thought it looked creepy. So sue me.

Also, the Mimchu is awesome, and anything you sprite deserves a name! If a child comes out deformed, the parents still name it before they toss it in the garbage can.
I looked at it again yet no difference- lack of shading.
My first ever splice- Pipoleon. First Pokemon-sprite-related thing I've ever done.

I've got a WIP of my first pixel over, too. I'm not interested in how much my drawing sucks- I'm interested in the paws. (the reason it has pics beside it is cause I'm still doing it..)

EDIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!: A Shieldon (?) Treasure Bag!!! ROFL!!!
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Emerald Sneasel spliced with R/S Gligar wings, Emerald Absol tail, D/P Absol horn...thingy, and Fr/Lg Meowth coin. Color scheme is mainly based on Shiny Absol's, shaded in D/P style. Yes I realize the tail looks a bit awkward.

Man, it's been a while since I've done a basic splice. Sometimes it is nice to just go back to the basics, ya know?
I've got a WIP of my first pixel over, too. I'm not interested in how much my drawing sucks- I'm interested in the paws. (the reason it has pics beside it is cause I'm still doing it..)

When they end in a horizontal line like that they look kind of flat. Try to make them curve downward or something so they look like they're wrapping around a three-dimensional leg. The shape of the marking on the back paws doesn't match the art, either.

When you're doing a pixel over, when it's a bigger one like that and not a 80x80 sprite, don't be afraid to use more colors, maybe a palette straight from the art instead of limited to just the sprite's colors. I'd also recommend using a bright, contrasting color for the outline until you're done coloring and shading the insides, so you don't lose track of them while you work. I always do the outline last, since the outlines need some shading too.

If you're going to dither in the shading anywhere (to cut down on the total number of colors), make sure the dithering follows the shape of the body so it looks more three-dimensional. Zoom in on these if you want to see how I did it- personally I think these came out pretty good:

In pixel-overs there's a lot of trial and error, zooming in and zooming out, tweaking things until they look just so.
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Damn... I already finished it. I don't think it looks THAT bad with all the colours....
That outline needs a lot of work. It looks like you just took the pencil tool and dragged it along the image.

From the looks of things, you work in paint. Pixel Overs are easier to do in a more advance program(Like Paint.net or GIMP), but since you choose to work with paint...

Well, firstly, that black box that doesn't appear until you paste your image in Paint appears because Paint does not support transparency from other programs. To remedy this, open up Paint twice, then, when you have your image up in your web browser, click the print screen key(it should be to the right of the f12 key) and paste into one of your Paint windows. This window will be where you paste anything you could need. Just clear away the unnecessary stuff and copy the image and paste into the other Paint Window.

I suggest you copy your image twice, just so you can have a reference in case you need one. Anyways, zoom in on your image. Just grab a color that contrasts with the colors of the current image(this way you can see your outline) and, using the pencil tool, just go over the outline, pixel by pixel. The end result is usually smoother, but if not, you can always round out the outline some. Just don't stop working on the outline after you've gone all the way around the image.

Obviously, after that you just erase anything in your outline. Now I would change your outline to a darker color like black, or maybe another dark color depending on the Pokemon you are spriting.
Oh...............I did the outline in Paint.net and did the colouring with MS Paint. Hmm... I should start again with that one.
Oh...............I did the outline in Paint.net and did the colouring with MS Paint. Hmm... I should start again with that one.

Well, sorry if I sounded a bit harsh. I'm just trying to help, and sometimes the best way is just to point out how you are doing things wrong and how you can improve.

Just don't drag the pencil tool around the outline. It looks nicer if you do it pixel by pixel. ;D

@Starly: They look fine, but the second one is awfully bright. The first one looks like it could use some of the darker shades mixed in with its eyes. Pokemon eyes, when they are lines like yours it, typically aren't a solid black.
PIXEL BY PIXEL AGAIN?! Last time I tried was the epicest epic fail in the history of epic fails! I give up pixel-overing.......I'll try something else. I'm not meant for pixel-overing.
Well, good spriting comes from having patience, realizing mistakes, and taking your time. If you never do that, you'll never get better.
What Green said. There's no insta-improve for bad art, you just have to keep practicing. And pixel art takes a long time because you do it pixel-by-pixel. Yes, you have to follow every line and every detail, but that's the way of the world.

If I may make a recommendation, right after you finish the outline, use various shades of gray to represent the various colors. I'm not saying to shade it; I'm just telling you to copy the patterns right away.
Same as the two above. Lots of time and patience - you'll fail many times, but eventually you'll make something that you're so proud of, you'll want the whole world to see it.

And also, I find working with that curve tool in Paint helps. It does come out awkward sometimes, but after I erase the background image, I just brush up the outline pixel by pixel. Unless I get lazy, that is '^-^
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