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Open The Struggle for Power

Xigbar followed Erindor. "So does that mean I have to buy the pizza?" He asked. I both hope so, and hope not.
Celeste joked, "I'll be a scientist!" Then she said, "Maybe I can earn money by... er..." She wandered off to the nearest Pokemart for a job.
Erindor entered the shop. He walked up to the counter. "Uh, excuse me? I wanted to apply for a job?" The young teenager behind the counter looked at him blankly. He needed to sleep.
"I'll get the manager." The worker left. Erindor sat down next to Xigbar. "Hopefully we can get a job. We only need something simple, like taking out the trash, to earn a few dollars."

Erindor looked around. There were only a few other people in the shop. He looked up, and saw a clock. 3:49. Erindor stopped. He only had about a minute to change back into Pokeperson and back to human. And there wasn't time to leave the building.
"I agree. But if I think I'm gonna' go hit the Pokemon Center. Maybe I can get a decent job there. Hopefully a hard one. The more work, the more pay." But where IS the Pokemon Center? He wondered. "By the way, I haven't properly introduced my self. I'm Xigbar."
Celeste asked the person at the counter, "Is it okay if I get a job here?"
The person seemed to own the shop. She nodded, and gave Celeste something to fill out.
She quickly looked around, took a nearby pen, and filled out the form.
"Done," the Pokemart owner said.
((Sorry if any of this is incorrect, I don't really know how a job works :sweatdrop:
"Nice to meet you," Erindor said, though he wasn't all that focused. He was a bit more focused on trying to think how he would morph without bringing unwanted attention to himself. "I'm Erindor. Hey, listen. Be right back." With that Erindor got up and ran for the door.
Then it started. Erindor fell to the ground, gasping in pain. The people in the store turned. Erindor got up, stumbled, burst through the door, and ran for a nearby alley. The pain was so much he couldn't go any farther. His ears started growing out, as well as with his tufts and tail. Erindor winced, as his tail started growing out. Of course, it slid perfectly through the small hole in his pants. After a minute or so, Erindor lay there gasping, on the sidewalk. Fully Pokeperson.
Erindor groaned, because of the pain, as well as the scene that had just been made. So much for not being noticed... He thought.
"You've never stayed past the time limit before?" He winced. "If you do, you undergo a violent transformation. It hurts. A lot. Not only that, but it's pretty obvious to anyone around you that you are a Pokeperson." He looked around at the small crowd that was gathering around him, and he noticed a familiar face. Oh crap. That creepy guy from the bus... He's following us. Erindor, not wanting anyone in the crowd to overreact, got up, and used Confuse Ray. In a flash of light, everyone was wondering what in the world they were doing here staring at this completely normal person, and walked away. Erindor still watched the man from the bus, though, a bad feeling overcoming him.
Xigbar had run out of the shop. "Geez, that looked unpleasant. I've felt it plenty of times before I knew the time limit, but I still think it hurts! Speaking of the time limit... I'd better change before I expire my time limit. Hang on." He ran into an alley and changed into a Pokeperson, then back to human. "I probably could've expired my time at any second. You alright?" He asked Erindor.
"I will be. I knew that was coming, but I just got caught up with meeting so many great new people." Erindor had subconsciously read Xigbar's mind, and knew his question of where the Pokemoncenter was. Erindor looked at his map again. He was beginning to like its usefulness. "The Pokemon center is over there. I'm not sure how effective that Confuse Ray was, so I'll come with you."
"Alright. I geuss I could use company. What happens to be the fastest way to the Pokemon Center? By the way, is anyone else coming with us?" Xigbar stared at the map. Hmm.... I can't read anything. I was raised by a hobo, and then I lived with the circus. Curse street life, and the not learning useful things that is involved!
Erindor pointed it out. "It's over there, and you go a couple blocks over."

(Metallic Deoxys' character, by request.)

I give you: Thatch!

Erindor was surprised that she had so much, compared to what he had started with. "That's very gracious of you, Autela. But perhaps it is better to earn the money we can now, and only use that if it is an emergency. I don't want to make you do anything, after all, that is your money."

Secretly, Erindor did want to use the money, but he knew it was for the best to try to earn some himself.
(Metallic Deoxys' character, by request.)

I give you: Thatch!


I imagined him with shorter, darker hair but he looks MUCH better that way! Thanks!))

Meanwhile, Thatch was wandering the street, looking for a good place to get some work. Thinking his time might be almost up, Thatch sauntered deep into an alley, changed from human to Poképerson and back to human again. He wandered out as if nothing had happened, turned and went into a Pokémart. "I'm looking for some work," he said to the cashier up front.
"Well," she replied, "We've had quite a spill back in the storage room... could you be our one-time cleanup man?"
"Sure," answered Thatch. He stepped behind the counter, into a back room and went to work.
The ground was clattered with Potions and PokéBalls. Some of the items still remained in the open cases, making it easier for the Charizard Poképerson to clean up. He began to place the Potions back where they belonged.
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