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The Unreleased Video Game Thread!

Spore. I want to make a race of mutant crabs destined to conquer all so baaad... D:

It also looks like the only new game that won't make my computer explode.

EDIT: Holy crap. The Creature Editor's been out, so I got it for now. To sum it up, it's amazing. Now I want Spore even more. D:
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Starcraft 2
Diablo 3
Left 4 Dead

between valve and blizzard I really don't need any other game developers or human contact
Fire Emblem DS, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, Camelot's New Wii RPG, and God of War 2.
Megaman 9. I still can't believe it.

I'm still waiting for something good for the PSP. I'm getting tempted to buy one of those game collections like the Sega Genesis Collection or Namco Museum.
Nintendo's not going to release Mother 3 so I had it imported from Japan.

I'm not really waiting for any games to come except for Pokemon Platinum, but it's not like i'm feverishly following it.
Chrono Trigger DS. (Not official yet (technically) but it's fairly obvious.) I never had a SNES so I hope they don't mess with this too much. :[

Chances are they will since it's a rather old game. FFIII was quite heavily edited, really. FFIV looks like it's gonna be different, too.

TWEWY doesn't interest me, I was not a fan of the merge to begin with, so I tend to stick with the Square side of things and usually skip the spin-offs. Chrono Trigger was Square, though, so I might pick it up, I dunno. FFIV's definitely priority, though.
Platinum. :[ Tis all.
I should really play more games but since Mother3 in likely to never get translated officially and put on DS/GBA in English, I'll stick to only playing Pokemon. B(
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