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Thrown Into Time [Sign Ups Open]


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
Okay, role play attempt, go!

(we need 7 more players to start)


You are one of several people who have been captured by an evil society known as Cyphai. Cyphai's goal is to capture as many souls as they can and transform them into Pokémon, under the theory that they will no longer be able to fight back before throwing them back in time. Then Cyphai will attempt to plunge the world into a world ruled by a single leader: Jupiter. The society uses brutal devices to immobilize its victims, including mind controlled Pokémon and chains forged of pure energy. Despite multiple attempts made by the most prestigious of Pokémon Trainers to fight back, Cyphai has managed to capture and control them, too. You, a small town person who has not ever been aware of Cyphai, have been brutally captured by Cyphai along with your friends for reasons you don't know of. A young woman and elderly man have teamed up to attempt to recruit 'young'uns' to fight back and initiate the demise of Cyphai; the question is, will it work?


-Have decent grammar.
-Be friendly.
-No Mary Sues.
-No godmodding, but you can control general NPCs.
-General rules from all stickies.
-When posting and applying, please disable signatures.


No legendary Pokémon, no levels, you can use all moves ever available to that Pokémon, no having multiple characters (I will have multiple myself however).

Name: [self-explanatory]
Gender: [self-explanatory, M/F/X]
Pokémon Species: [what you'll be transformed into by Cyphai]
Personality: [duh]
Age: [years six and up]
Appearance as Human: [...]
Appearance as Pokémon: [only if you look any different than default species]
Additional Characteristics: [self explanatory, if applicable]
Writing Sample: [write a made up story here, this is so I can filter out grammatical errors and examine your writing]


My Own Character

Name: Illusia
Gender: Female
Pokémon Species: Vulpix
Personality: Very friendly and sociable, but open to tears with a dark past. Is willing to help anyone she can, but admits that she may sometimes flee in times of danger. Has intelligence somewhat beyond the norm.
Age: 10 1/2
Appearance as Human: Long and thick knee length hair that is chocolate brown with a slender build, with long toes and fingers; has tall height for age (4 1/2 ft) and hazel eyes, has light tanned skin
Appearance as Pokémon: nothing out of the ordinary!
Additional Characteristics: as a human and Pokémon, an odd crescent shaped birthmark on the base of neck
Writing Sample: I wrote this entire post, didn't I?


Default Characters

Name: Jupiter
Gender: Female
Pokémon Species: non applicable
Personality: domineering over her goons and subordinates, but secretly does care for them. After leaving Team Galactic of Sinnoh and parting with Mars and Saturn, her assistants, she has been afraid of loneliness.
Age: approximately 25 but unknown
Appearance as Human: Check Bulbapedia; she has a long slender build with fair skin, a piercing gaze, and the weirdest possibly mutant cherry red hair that is usually kept in a sort of bun atop her head. She commonly wears a tightly fitting marbled black and white suit that has long sleeves and goes down to her ankles.
Additional Characteristics: none
Writing Sample: I AM JUPITER. Fear me, for I am your worst enemy! Or something.


Name: Cyphai Goon/changeable
Gender: M/F
Pokémon Species: none
Personality: varies
Age: 16-20
Appearance as Human: wears weird wig with lightning yellow hair that is kept in hair that goes down chin length, and have brown eyes. Kind of small, maybe elves! Has spindly and weird fingers from constantly typing on master computer systems.
Additional Characteristics: none
Writing Sample: Jupiter, have mercy! D:


Name: Stella
Gender: F
Pokémon Species: none
Personality: Kind and thoughtful with a levelheaded and headstrong mind. Skilled in technology and genetics, Stella strives to end Cyphai once and for all.
Age: 20
Appearance as Human: Tall with light skin, and wears glasses. Stella constantly carries around experiments in a black bag that hangs over her shoulder with a long strap marked "EXPERIMENTAL".
Additional Characteristics: none
Writing Sample: I apologize for pushing you away, but however, I mustn't be interrupted from my experiments.


Name: John
Gender: M
Pokémon Species: none
Personality: Irritated with all this newfangled technology stuff, and even more so with all these youngsters getting cool technology, but really sweet once you get to know him, albeit fairly insensitive. He has a special relationship with Stella short of romance due to them working together for years.
Age: 70
Appearance as Human: has shoulder length mouse brown, wispy hair. Has a few wrinkles here and there with constantly half shut emerald eyes that have reddened over age, but overall looks fairly good for seventy.
Additional Characteristics: none
Writing Sample: Why do all these newfangled technobobbers exist.


Jupiter (F) not a Pokémon approximately 25 but unknown
Cyphai Goon #1/whatever name someone chooses (M/F) ages 16-20
Cyphai Goon #2/whatever name someone chooses (M/F) ages 16-20
Cyphai Goon #3/whatever name someone chooses (M/F) ages 16-20
Stella (F) 20
John (M) 70
Illusia (F) 10 Vulpix - Mewtini
Cassie (F) 12 Eevee - DarkAura
Fiona (F) 13 Lopunny - Spunky the raichu
Lucas (M) 14 Archeops - Mad MOAI
Dementia (F) 16 Gardevoir- Ulqi-chan
Myst (F) 11 Umbreon - MysticMoon
Lars Colberg (M) 17 Weavile - I liek Squirtles
Unknown (M/F) Pokémon - Everglider (assumed reserve)


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That means. please clarify.

edit sorry didn't see the second statement

probably like 15 or so.

We need some people to be Cyphai goons, majority to be the time travelling people, and someone to be Jupiter.
Maybe it is similar what with being captured, but they're different premises to me, so...

I think I ninja'd you.
Looks like fun!

Name: Cosette Gilana
Gender: Female
Pokémon Species: Banette
Personality: Cosette as a girl is a bit of a misfit, very tall and with "scary" eyes. She is very competitive and has a very sarcastic sense of humor, but she is shy. Cosette has few friends, and even those are rather intimidated by her, though she is actually very kind. However, when she becomes a Banette, she becomes fearful of her new powers and avoids people and other Pokemon as much as possible. However, Banettes' natural hatred sometimes overwhelms her.
Age: 12
Appearance as Human: Cosette is tall for her age at 5' 6". She is very skinny, almost scarily so. She has long, thin, mousey brown hair. Her skin is of a fairly pale tone. She has striking hazel eyes, with a bit of brick-red in them.
Appearance as Pokémon: As a Banette, Cosette has short spikes on top of her head, but the rest of her hat/hair is extra long.
Writing Sample: Scivlon crouched, hackles rising as she tensed. Carefully, she crept forward, ears up, advancing on her prey. In an instant, she was upon the doe, leaping after it in long strides. Her packmates burst into the clearing from all sides, closing in on the deer. Their prey looked wildly about, her eyes huge as she searched for an escape route. Miruk darted forward and sank her teeth into the doe's open flank. On cue, Jeynad and Havkas launched themselves forward, ramming into the deer and knocking her to the forest floor. Gatra ran forward and sank her fangs into the doe's throat, killing her instantly. Scivlon followed Falles, and the alphas knelt down, ripping into the kill. Scivlon looked at her packmates and nodded. The rest of the wolves came forward to eatand she stood, walking to the edge of the clearing.
This is where I belong, She thought with satisfaction.

I hope the writing sample didn't have to be about the RP.
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ever, you do know you can still sign up for mine even right now, dont you?

When i saw the title of this RP, i was liek "ok, it looks like she copied me" so i looked at it. Honestly, the only thing the least bit similar to mine is time travel and Pokemon, and even then, it is not the same form of time travel. (ok, the leaders of the new world are the same, Dusknoir being the new leader in my RP, Jupiter in Mewtini's)

Aside from this, this RP looks original enough to not be known of as copied by me, but of course the time travel makes people think of mine, but still.

I would still like to join though.

Name: Cassie
Gender: Female
Pokémon Species: Eevee
Personality: Laid back, but is always paranoid.
Age: 12
Appearance as Human: Tall, skinny, long red hair, deep blue eyes, small hands....thats about it.
Appearance as Pokémon: Blue patch of fur on back.
Writing Sample: Cassie awoken inside the box. The box was only 3 feet in height, width, and length. She still had about a foot of room. But that didn't make any sense! She was at least 4and a half feet tall. She looked at her paws and - wait paws? She had paws with shades of brown fur. She looked behind her at her back. A dog like body was attached to her, having the same shades of brown fur. A little patch smack dab in the niddle of her back a a deep ocean blue. She felt her head. She had a mouth, which was normal, and a dog nose, not so normal. She touched the top of her head. Ears. Cassie was freaking out now. She then felt the box move. She slid to one end at the box was still going. Her eyes widened as she thought of the impending dangers.
Signatures :P

Anyway, that 'awoken' should be 'awoke', but accepted!
Yes, yes it is.

You could be, if you want to be, copypaste the form and replace the writing sample with your own.
You plan to be Jupiter, too? You can only have one character.

Anyway, this one is accepted
Haha, sorry!

I'm following Littlestream's logic in having a small RP.

Edit: as stated in the rules, I might take another character. If no one takes Jupiter, I'll RP her.
Name: Lars Colberg
Gender: M
Pokémon Species: Weavile
Personality: Lars is somewhat somber; he is very serious, and laughs rarely, but his smile is enchanting. He is pretty bold and defiant. The reason he is like this is a mysterious accident that happened a while before.
Appearance as Human: Tall and skinny. His hair is golden brown and his face is full of freckles.
Appearance as Pokémon: One of his claws is broken; his head crest is a duller red than the usual.
Additional Characteristics: Lars has a small, black string tied to his arm. It is there to represent the mysterious accident that happened to him.
Writing Sample: Just then, the llama screamed: "Help me, Jusitifius! (don't ask me where the hell that name came from) The evil cobra is going to consume me!" Finally, Lars closed the book he was reading to the children and said: "The end".
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Name: Myst
Gender: Female
Pokémon Species: Umbreon
Personality: Usually bubbly,but can be a bit pessimistic and cynical,depending on the situation.
Age: 11
Appearance as Human: Black long hair,light skin,and constantly wearing hoodies.
Appearance as Pokémon: Regular
Additional Characteristics: ...
Writing Sample: "A little bit closer..."
She pulled back on her slingshot, aiming for the jerk in her class.
"Bombs away!"
The rock flew and hit his ear.

(...was that too short?)
I feel like an idiot; I had a full page filled out...and my Internet stopped working. Oh how I hate my laptop.
I remembered most of it, though, so it'll be a snap typing it back up.

Personality: Usually calm and collected, but when emotionally disturbed, she can be angry and sorrowful. It is hinted that she may have Bipolar Disorder.
Appearance:Short, messy green hair, ivory skin and blood red eyes. Usually wears flowing dresses, particularly white-colored ones, and rarely wears black or darker colors.
Pokemon appearance:Normal, but has a long red ribbon tied around her waist. It drags to the floor, adding to her ballroom appearance.
Additional Characteristics:N/A
Writing Sample:
Under the twilit evening, the pale skinned teenager sighed as she checked her watch yet again. The subway was supposed to be here by now, but it was apparently delayed.
By almost a whole hour.
But how could Dementia keep her cool?
She filled her mind with more important matters, like her boyfriend, Dusknoir. He certainly did have a strange name, seeing that it originated from the large, one-eyed Ghost Pokemon, but Dementia didn't care. As long as he was there for her, she was happy. And nothing could ever change that.

Tada!!! :D
Name: Lucas
Gender: Male
Pokémon Species: Archeops
Personality: Quite outgoing and adventure-loving, Lucas is willing to try a lot of things and will almost never back down in the face of danger. This sort of outgoing attitude can make him somewhat naive in many situations, though. If he's too enthusiastic, he can get annoying as well, but three-quarters of the time Lucas is a fun person to be around. If you like people with that sort of excited-about-everything attitude.
Age: 14
Appearance as Human: Lucas isn't the tallest person around, but he's not noticeably short; his height is simply a bit below average. He has dark brown eyes and reddish-orange hair in a relatively natural color. He usually wears loose clothes in dark colors, but he can cope with something a bit tighter from time to time.
Appearance as Pokémon: Lucas has larger wings more suitable for flying, and his feathers are a more ultramarine color rather than a pastel blue.
Additional Characteristics: None.
Writing Sample:

The dark navy hallway yawned ahead, looming ominously and splitting into three new directions.

It was no surprise for the three figures who had entered it. They had seen this winding place several times, and were used to its size and darkness. They treated it as just another few steps until the next passageway into an opportunity. The opportunity was strength.

The first figure came in, considerably taller than the other two, with a slim, curving form. A chicken’s torso glared from its top half, two scaly arms readily gripping a long sword as if they had been doing so since the moment of the bipedal avian’s hatching. Despite the desolateness of the place, the rooster’s hardened expression was calm, his yellow-gold eyes peering out from his crimson wattle. ...
Finished mai form. Darn it Spunky took my name!

EDIt: Fixed it.
EDIt 2: Did the writing ample have to be about the RP?
Accepted. It didn't.

I'll add your name to the first post later, too lazy now.
I have an idea that will make this easier.

Why don't we just have the grunts be controlled by whoever is encountering them or Mewtini?

That will make this easier and we'll need less players.
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