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Too Long; Didn't Read

Re: I fail at thread titles >_>

This is a reeeeeally huge expansion of a joke I once heard. The instant Nate said the word "lever" I knew exactly what the ending was.

Also, it was so long that I was about halfway through it and had to leave. It took me three days to remember to finish it.
Re: I fail at thread titles >_>

That was such an anticlimax...Like, two hours of my life for a tiny pun that was just sooo funny I forgot to laugh?? -.-"

This is what worries me about people. The fact that someone would make this story up...and type it up, and that people (such as myself) actually take the time to read it...

Gosh, maybe I should pull the doom lever.
Re: I fail at thread titles >_>

why the hell didn't he just follow the SUVs tracks back to civilisation in the first place?
I guess the wind would cover any tracks with more sand before very long, and something later on in the story which I can't be bothered to find right now suggested to me that he'd been out there at least through one night. *Shrug.*

Anyway... er. The story was oddly compelling - probably because I had no indication as I was reading whether it was a long-winded joke, a story with a moral/meaning, or a lengthier version of the kind of creepy/twist ending stories you get in chain e-mails sometimes - but the end was ridiculously anticlimactic given the build-up. Part of the joke, I suppose.

As for all you people saying "oh yeah, I saw the pun from a mile away," I don't believe you. >:( I paused to look at the phrase "Nate's lever" and wondered if there would be a pun in that somewhere along the line, but nope, it didn't hit me. Maybe I'm just slow.

For the record, I may have been inclined to go for the lever if it wasn't for the fact that poor Nate would then have no one to kill him. :(
Re: I fail at thread titles >_>

WAAAAAY too long to build up for a simple pun. But the story was intriguing and wierd at the same time.
No, it's supposed to be some religious aparently-inteligent-and-interesting crap so it can slowly get into people's minds. I would've wished the two things, lived happy for some more 50 years and then pulled that lever, and I'm not as misanthropic as that may have seemed. The fact that the guy kills the snake makes it obvious.
No, it's supposed to be some religious aparently-inteligent-and-interesting crap so it can slowly get into people's minds. I would've wished the two things, lived happy for some more 50 years and then pulled that lever, and I'm not as misanthropic as that may have seemed. The fact that the guy kills the snake makes it obvious.

or a funny story that I've seen in multiple different settings and lengths -.-
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