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Trainers with your name?

There was a PokeFanatic or something in Gold version that was all dressed up in Pikachu outfits named Derrick. That's as close to Derek as Pokemon has got for me. ;)
I don't think I've seen any trainers with my name! And my name isn't even rare! Or maybe I forgot because I was going too fast...
I think there's a swimmer in r/s/e called Staci, which is close enough.
There's also an Anastasia (or some close variant of it) in battle frontier, I think.
the battle pike leader has my name
((oh and the main character in trozei also has my name if that counts))
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Haha, no Joanna in the games for me. I think I can make out an aroma lady or some other lady with the name Joanne though.
Despite what other people think, it's a big difference. :/
I think there's a Psychic Cameron somewhere near National Park in Crystal. I'd never noticed him before, but I saw him the last time I played.
I, uh, think that there's a Bug Catcher Brandon in Ruby.
It was something bug.
Also the default male rival character's name in Ruby is Brendan, which is quite close.
I, uh, think that there's a Bug Catcher Brandon in Ruby.
It was something bug.
Also the default male rival character's name in Ruby is Brendan, which is quite close.
You're forgetting Pyramid King Brandon in the Battle Frontier in Emerald. :]

...Sadly, no trainers named Zora. I hope this rectifies itself. >>
There is a Bird Keeper in G/S/C just before Union Cave with my name, but my sister has lots. There is a Beauty Victoria in Goldenrod Gym, and the Winstrate family all have names derived from it. There are probably some I've missed.
In the beginning of R/S (Emerald too, I believe, but I'm not sure), when you're on your way to Rustboro, there are those twins on that bridge-thing. Gina and Mia. It would be pure win if I had a twin sister named Mia =P No sisters for me, though =(

There's also several people with my mom's name somewhere. I believe one in third gen and one in fourth.
Well, I distinctly remember a Beauty with my name in Crystal, in Whitney's gym. The only reason I remember that is because she has a Meowth. Um... nobody on the FRLG VSSeeker list...
DP... We've got a lass with my full name on route 204, and hello! Her Roselia gets to level 55! Kewl. And theres a male swimmer with a short version of my name... but not my regular nickname. And no, I don't feel ready to say what my name is just yet.
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