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Trainers with your name?

I've never seen any trainers with my name. There was one that came close, and for a second I was like, "Woah, cool- wait. Oh, darn."
something or other Brigit or some misspelling of my name in Whitney's gym in GSC.
Nope, my name's too rare... there might be one with the more common spelling, but I doubt it.

There's a Hiker Lucas in R/S/E on the mountain route (but not IN the mountain) below Lanette's house.
And apparently, the male version of Dawn in D/P is named Lucas.
Not impossible, but I can't seem to remember -_- Alex is a bit more common than Alexander, I think. But I can't remember any trainer with my name :<
GSC - the NPC Trainer you battle in that battling place in Viridian is called Cal.
The Good-

RSE- Camper Travis, just north of Mauville, right beneath the desert, with a Sandshrew.

The Bad-
D/P- Fisherman Travis with three Shelloses and a Barboach. *Disowns.*

The Ugly-
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