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TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

Meh, if others are going for Minnow I guess I will too, if only to keep all our randlynches in the same basket.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

Not changing my vote; since superbird admitted to Mafia, he should still go.

On a slightly related note, his role might be one like "if lynched, the last person to vote for you dies" (I had a similar role in the past), or a more vanilla revenge-kill role. Either that, or he's some kind of non-mafia-aligned-but-mafia-appearing role, hence the "Minion with an F in Evil" bit. Either of those would explain the cryptic, lynch-me-and-you-will-regret-it attitude.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

But he will go. He's all but guaranteed to. That's the point. If you were a vigilante, would you seriously not take a shot at him after that? Considering he's the only lead, he's a much better candidate as a target for a role like that than just firing blindly at a potential innocent. If Superbird is still alive after tonight I will be genuinely surprised. So why waste a lynch on him when we could potentially kill two birds with one stone? Why any killing power roles to sit idle tonight when they could otherwise be doing something productive?

Lynch Minnow, then. Bloodmania does fit the "hasn't posted" criterion better than he does, but voting for him when everyone else is voting Minnow accomplishes nothing.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

I don't have much to say except that I agree with the reasoning for leaving Superbird for the vigilante(s?) to kill, yet we do still need to lynch somebody (even if for no other reason than the fewer people in the game, the more manageable it'll become, lol).

Lynch Minnow.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

Well that's a little disappointing. I was going to defend myself a bit but that would just probably cause suspicion. But that's how it goes; and if we're randomlynching then it has to be someone.

I will accept the town's decision gracefully, whatever the votes turn out to be.

Have a nice day.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

Extending the deadline to November 21st, 0:00 GMT to start with, since the discussion hasn't settled to a conclusion.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

I haven't seen enough of Minnow to determin if she's Mafia or not.

I'm still abstaining.

Also, to explain inactivity: I got grounded, I'm lucky I'm online. So I won't be very active...
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

Ah. Good to know what was up with the disappearing post.

So Bachuru's commentary suggests that Superbird was being honest about his role, which means it might actually be to our advantage to keep him around... Minions With an F in Evil tend to not be very helpful to their side or even actively beneficial to the good guys. I don't know how that would translate in a game of mafia, and he doesn't seem to have much to benefit us thus far, but maybe he does a Mook Face Turn of some sort if he survives long enough and would at that point be able to give us info on the mafia.

There must be some reason why Bachuru didn't want him roleclaiming. Perhaps because the mafia isn't supposed to know that he may be working against them, so that they don't know to kill him, or perhaps because we're not supposed to be able to believe what he says. Or maybe I'm speculating too deeply on his role. Who knows?

In any case, at least we can rest assured that he's probably no alien and if he does survive the night, we can always fall back on bumping him off if we have nothing better to do.

It seems pretty pointless to be lynching Minnow, who hasn't been particularly helpful but who is at least confirmed still playing the game. Throwing my vote in for Bloodmania instead though it probably won't come to anything.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

I haven't seen enough of Minnow to determin if she's Mafia or not.

I'm still abstaining.

We're not lynching Minnow because she's done anything suspicious, we're lynching her because day one sucks.

She pretty much said that she wouldn't mind being dead, so I don't see the point.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

...I know I'm looking too far into this, maybe I just desperately need sleep, but doesn't Minnow's acceptance of death seem a little suspicious? Alien, maybe?

I'm probably just looking to far into it though.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

...maybe Superbird's not supposed to roleclaim because the other mafia people don't know that he's mafia?
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

Goddammit people it's no lynch. Who set this precedent fuck #mafia.

"Abstain" makes perfectly good sense. We're not abstaining from voting, or else we just wouldn't vote; we're voting to abstain from lynching from anyone.

On that note, I can't tell where the votes are, but I'm voting for Superbird anyway (five minutes left, woo!) mainly because I don't foresee him playing the role interestingly.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 1]

Final vote tally: 15 abstain, 7 Superbird, 6 Minnow, 1 Bloodmania

The villagers go home after a long day of confusing discussion. The Hanging Judge sighs disappointedly, muttering to the noose he's been tying, "Next time, my dear."

You have 48 hours, until November 23rd 0:00 GMT, to send in your night actions.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [NIGHT 1]

Extending the deadline by 18 hours, until November 23rd 18:00 GMT, because several night actions are missing and I didn't get the chance to send out reminders earlier.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [NIGHT 1]

The sun rises over Troperville, and the villagers are puzzled to find Superbird lying on the street near the unused gallows of yesterday, wearing the exact brand of Italian suit that sreservoir was wearing yesterday and clutching a business card from the same Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club. Looks like he never made it home last night.

Well, okay, maybe that's not so puzzling, since after all he was waving that card around yesterday like a maniac. But they are still puzzled, because the mortician just can't find what's wrong with him, except that he's dead and he's bleeding out of his ears.

Superbird is dead. He was mafia.

Furthermore, after a little more investigation, they discover a large splatter of gore that, after a quick headcount, they conclude to be the remains of Dave Strider. They use the opportunity now that he's gone to search his house, find out all his darkest secrets and eventually satisfy themselves that he at least had no association with that damned social club. (Unfortunately, the same can't be said for his involvement in the wedding salsa incident, which has been incontrovertibly proven.)

Dave Strider is dead. He was not mafia.

Let's start with 48 hours to discuss.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Oh god, something actually happened.

Well, good job whoever hit Superbird! Seems like he was telling the truth about being mafia... d'you think the mafia hit him revenge for being a moron? Seems likely.

... Dave Strider roleclaimed as doctor, didn't he... :( That's a big loss, but clever. Perhaps there are two mafia factions?
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

It seems that Superbird died of a psychic attack. Maybe one of the innocents has a psychic killing power?
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

By the way, note that the tropes I link to don't necessarily correspond to powers or roles or the like. What's (possibly) important is the actual description I write; the tropes I link the words to are just for fun.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Oh, come to think of it... /DOESN'T READ FLAVOUR TEXT HURR

Oh god, do we have some kind of Sylar-esque dude hanging around? And if so, I wonder what alignment they are :o Or if we do actually have a funny-actin' doctor around.
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