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TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 7]

Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

... I'm not even going to ask why you didn't all roleclaim immediately. A decent mafia would pick off the player who roleclaim inspector/doctor roles, not useless innocents...

Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

On the other hand, having figured out that informants are a relatively weak role and you can apparently receive the exact same information as other informants, it makes an easy innocent roleclaim for a mafia member to make in a pinch, since they can just be like "yeah my power is Expospeak and I got the same info as those other guys" and there's no easy way to disprove that or, if there really are a bunch of informants, be suspicious of it. Unless the people claiming duplicate roles and information had already cottoned on and were doing just that!

Not really much time and keep getting smacked around by 500 errors, so lynch joe mama I guess, and that's about it.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Bump? The thread isn't letting me get to the next page for some reason, which is presumably where my post went.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Somehow, I doubt that Butterfree would give two Mysterious Informants the same information, though, so a roleclaimer would need to give their information.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Roleclaiming time. Basically, I got the same info as Zhorken. My power trope is exospeak, so I guess I'm nothing special. And yes, we (mystery informants) don't get any additional info D:
So we suspect Skylark? I agree that it would seem odd for Bachuru to give the same info to multiple people--unless they were people with the same role on different factions.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Ah, but do we suspect Skylark, or do we suspect Zhorken and assume that it didn't occur to Skylark that duplicate info was suspicious? After all, Zhorken was the one who came out and started the whole MI roleclaiming thing when there was precious little need to--possibly an effort to make himself look useful after I made a side comment about him only posting once so far? Dilemma.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Yeah, but how would Zhorken know to call that trope/specific information unless his actual role is one that lets him see exactly what another player's initial-game-info PM looks like, which is of course possible but seems a little overpowered/unlikely? I mean, what are the chances of them having the exact same power trope and information gleaned from it if it wasn't a setup, and what are the chances of Zhorken setting it up?
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Well, we can probably believe Zhorken, Ketsu, and Skylark because they brought new information about informants in general to the table (i.e. the existence of Mysterious Informants, their power as Expospeak and info at the beginning, and no further information (except, duplicate information?)). Depending on how many hidden informants there are, a bunch of people can probably silently confirm or deny the information (probably the former, as nothing was refuted ("what no we get the power of The Reveal") and the informants seem to be common) so they wouldn't be voting to lynch those two, at least.

Actually that means the only other person is Mai. Well, that's probably believable too since Mai seemed fairly confident in convincing people there might be more than one.

Right. Well.

Stopping it before the mafia could get lost in the MI storm is helpful, anyhow.

ETA: >:|
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

I'm no troper--this game itself has probably shown me more TV Tropes links/pages than I've ever looked at on my own before now--but it doesn't seem like a mysterious informant is all that uncommon/unknown a trope; it also wouldn't be that hard to look at some of the things people have been discussing so far and grab a trope that fits it (e.g. we were discussing a maf doc possibility many, many pages back, probably around the last time Zhorken checked in), and so tell people what they want to hear. Note also that Zhorken never provided a power trope, and that someone else mentioned that part first.

Still, you're right that it is a very risky gambit. Meh. The day will probably end soon since we've got consensus on a lynch, but at some point in the near future it would be nice to hear from either Zhorken or Skylark re: duplicate info.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Ok. Regarding the duplicate info, I was a bit surprised when I read Zhorken's post. But... I don't think Zhorken's mafia since it posted the exact trope I got. In my defense, I want to remind you about the mafia doctor conversation. I think around page 3? Anyway, when I realized that the thought was being dropped (or stopped talking about), I tried bringing it up again on page 6. However, since I couldn't think of its relevance at that point, I only tried re-bringing it up once. And in my post, since I had no idea what mafia doctors did, you'd notice that I was trying to get info about mafia doctors, to try to see if anything that has happened so far is possibly connected with a mafia doctor.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

I'm not going to roleclaim, but I will say that my role grants me a limited form of immunity from Mafia kills during the night phase.

...Butterchuru, are you okay with weird PM shit like you did in Pokemafia?
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

"Weird PM shit"? If you mean private communication with other players, no; that's specified in the first post of the thread.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]


What's with the mass Mysterious Informant roleclaim?

What is this i don't even


So, yeah, I agree with Kusari and Kratos that the other Mysterious Informants, if any, shouldn't roleclaim unless it's vital, since it just lets the Mafia narrow down on the people with useful roles.

I'm pretty sure I already bandwagoned on joe mama earlier so I don't need to do so again.

So this post was pretty much a pointless recapitulation of what people have said anymore. Except at least it shows I'm kind of trying to be active. Oh whatever. Time to click 'Submit Reply'.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Also, I'm too lazy to go back and count up exactly how many people have roleclaimed, but out of 50 players, 45 are living and of those, 3 have claimed Mysterious Informant and a similarly small handful have either soft- or hard-roleclaimed various other roles. Conclusion = barring an unexpected Alien win, this game is likely to go on for something ridiculous like 10+ in-game Days. Not that we all didn't already know that, but... whew.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

I think that all the people who are claiming Mysterious Informant are most likely telling the truth, as Butterchuru did say in the sign up thread that a lot of people would have Mafia Mook/Vanilla Innocent roles. So I'm guessing that there has to be a few double-ups on the roles?
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 2]

Final tally: 18 joe mama, 2 abstain, 1 Mawile, 1 Minks.

The villagers lead joe mama to the gallows, and he doesn't even struggle. The execution is so simple and clean as to be almost boring, and after they've searched his house and turned up no indication of mafia activity or Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club membership, they go to bed, disappointed and irritated.

joe mama is dead. He was not mafia.

You have 48 hours to send in your night actions.
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [NIGHT 2]

When the villagers gather the next morning, they immediately have an eerie feeling that something is very, very wrong.

The first one they find is Fruity Walkerloops, who has collapsed in front of his house, his face paper-white but for the blood dripping out of his ear canals. His eyes are open, his mouth fixed in a weirdly triumphant grin.

The mortician finds that unlike Superbird yesterday, he is also suffering from massive internal bleedings unlike anything he's seen before. Ouch.

Fruity Walkerloops is dead. He was not mafia.

Next, they discover Mawile, fast asleep in its bed, except there's a long, serrated kitchen knife sticking out of its back. And its wardrobe, the villagers discover with shock, is filled with expensive Italian suits!

Mawile is dead. It was mafia.

And finally, as they slowly realize there are still a few people unaccounted for, they rush to the final houses only to discover three unfortunate roleclaimers dead from sudden, mysterious heart attacks.

Zhorken is dead. He was not mafia.

Skylark is dead. He was not mafia.

Mai is dead. It was not mafia.

Discuss! (48 hours to start with, as usual.)
Last edited:
Re: TV Tropes Mafia [DAY 3]

Holy shit. o_o Uh.

Okay, so - that's one mafia down and four innocents. Fuck. And one of them was Walker, which is double-fuck. How the hell did so many people die? :| Well - maybe the roleclaimers had a clause that if they roleclaim, they die? Kinda crappy but plausible, since they all died in the same way. At least we know none of them were mafia...

Right. Well. Bringing back the discussion from a few pages back, where Mawile was looking like a retarded alien, we now know he wasn't. He was just a retard. Or, he might have been an alien, but uh, he's now a dead one, anyhow. Apparently whenever we decide to wait a day before killing someone, someone else gets to them first...?

Well. I... have nothing else to offer. Meaning I have nothing to offer since I'm pretty much o.o at this. :[
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