It's posted on Meyer's own website.
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Wtf is Morning Sun? (Fuck, please, PLEASE don't say it's a extension to Twilight series.)
Yeah, so I read the first book, Twilight, and though that it was a pretty decent book. Then, once I began to read New Moon, I realized that this book was utterly horrible. The writing's sloppy, and Bella is such a whinny slut. She ALWAYS thinks she's going to die. And all the books a rushed into being a shitty 'epic novel'. I think I'd rather period through my penis than read the last two books
I think I like Robert Pattinson.Midnight Sun? It's Twilight from Edward's point of view. Apparently written because Robert Pattinson was like "he has no character how the fuck am I meant to act this". Then he got the first twelve chapters of it and they were leaked online. There is absolutely no connection between these two facts, really.
...what? Would it of helped if I said 'And she ALWAYS thinks she's going to die"?... How does that make her a slut? :S
...what? Would it of helped if I said 'And she ALWAYS thinks she's going to die"?
Oh, Cirrus, read my posts ):
It's not physical abuse, and that's my point. Because he doesn't hit her and rape her and things, people think the relationship isn't abusive, and it's scary how many people can't realize this. But it really, truly is. Many of the things Edward does are manipulative and controlling, which is the textbook definition of emotional abuse.
Here we go:
The above image consists of a passage from Jennifer Valenti's Brilliant Book "Full Frontal Feminism" pages 73-74, from Chapter Four entitled "The Blame (And Shame) Game."
She is discussing the tell-tale signs of an abusive partner and the ways they can abuse their partners even if they never lay a hand on them.
(from here)
In the absence of anything else sexist in the books (and there are plenty of other examples, like Bella doing all the chores in the house, the males in pretty much every relationship in the book dominating their female partners, etc.), I'd say they were absolutely terrible just for this. I'm not into book burning or what have you, but it's appalling how many teenage girls "want a boyfriend just like Edward!", and young girls are growing up with a book that teaches them to be subservient and allow - possibly even want - abuse of this degree on themselves and hold Bella as some kind of role model.
I say we make all the kids watch Buffy if they want a decent vampire-themed storyline :/
(just why doesn't he want her to be turned again?)
he wants them to marry first, but Bella doesn't want to marry at eighteen (despite wanting to become a vampire for the rest of eternity at eighteen?)
and yes, most of the epic meadow scene is verbatim from the book, if that gives you an idea of how horrible the book is.
also am I the only one who thinks Carlisle (the father) was by FAR the hottest of the vampires?
apologies to the many females on this forum who do not fit maddox's descriptionme said:Tried to read Twilight a while ago. Couldn't make it to page 100 without putting it down and returning it to the library.
Based on those less-than-100 pages I did read, I got this impression: It's a self-insertion fantasy story, plain and simple. The so-called vampire has more in common with Hercules than with Dracula. Bella is described as being strikingly similar to Meyer herself. Every boy in the school asks her out to the school dance, so she has to BS about going to Seattle in order to get them away from her (apparently she actually does go to seattle, but I didn't read that far ahead). She passes over genuinely helpful "nerd" guys in favor of the hot vampire stud, who says time and time again that he's kinda "dangerous". It's reasons like this that Maddox wrote this article (and yes, Maddox is a satirist but his articles have occasional truths to them)
And yeah, I know guys aren't twilight's audience, but I'll go write a story about a fictional version of myself getting laid with a hot, shallow demigoddess (whilst being asked out by, and rejecting, every other girl in my city - and there's over 2 million people in this city :P ) and we'll see how many girls like it.
Carlisle is probably my favorite character; his backstory was the only part of the book I truly enjoyed.Thoughts on Twilight:
Ed is a babyface Dracula. Carlyle(or whatever his name is) actually looks like a vampire and Alice isn't half bad. It's just Bella that annoys the living hell out of me.