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Type Change

Mawile should be Steel/Dark, they actually learn a bunch of dark moves, and when I think of "Deceiver" I think that have with evil things to do, and Dark is evil.
shuckle should be ground/water

zangoose should be part poison and maybe dark as well

somehow i think scyther should be bug/normal or bug/flying

aron should be pure steel whilst the rest of the evo line is steel/ground

mawile should be poison/steel

and doduo and dodrio should be normal types
I'd say that when I first saw Zubat in Crystal, I caught it thinking I had one of the new dark types people were talking about (Crystal was my first game, so I didn't know the types) and I went to see it's stats and I thought WTF except in 6 year old vocab. cuz it was Poison and I didn't get that much at all. So, Zubat and evos in my opinion should be Dark/Flying with some Poison moves for good measure. Also, did they change Magnemite's and Magneton's type during the 1-2nd Gen switch? Cuz they didn't have Dark or Steel types in RBY
Trapinch, Vibrava, and Flygon all should've been Bug/Ground.

Vibrava and Flygon would still have Levitate, of course, but no Dragon type... they're even less dragon-y than most other Dragon-type Pokémon are. And that's saying a lot considering that Altaria (aka "HEY LOOK, I'M A BIRD! Yep, a bird surrounded in clouds. Couldn't possibly be anything else! I mean, just look at me--beak, talons, feathers, wings... BIRD!") is one of them.

Speaking of Altaria... Normal/Flying would make a lot more sense (and poof, no more double-weakness to Ice! Why would something that lives in the clouds be so vulnerable to Ice anyway? It's usually colder up there than it is at ground level!)

Staryu should probably be Water/Psychic... never really made sense how Starmie was part-Psychic but Staryu wasn't, even though Starmie really isn't any more "psychic-ish" than Staryu...

Azurill being Normal instead of Water seems a little odd, too... it can't be that much worse at swimming than a "needs its tail-ball-thing just to stay afloat" Marill, can it?

Rayquaza could have easily been the first pure-Flying type, if only they had made it look like something other than a dragon...

Not sure why Jirachi is part Steel-type... though I can't really think of anything else it could be besides plain old Psychic.

No idea why Lucario is part-Steel, either... I see nothing metallic about it at all (and I'm assuming those white spikes on its hands are intended to be made of bone, otherwise Lucario learning Bone Rush makes no sense.)

Same goes with Palkia's Water type. I know Water/Dragon only has one weakness, but that can't possibly be the only reason they chose those two types together for it (at least I really hope it isn't the only reason)... I just can't figure out what the real reason is.

And Drapion shouldn't have randomly lost its Bug type in favor of [SUPER GENERIC PSYCHIC-IMMUNITY TYPE]. It's still just as buggy even after evolving, after all. If they had just made bugs immune to Psychic instead of tacking on an extra type, we wouldn't have had this problem...

The Gastly line is part poison because in RBY no type was super-effective against ghost

This is 100% false. Ghost is super-effective against Ghost, and always has been, even back in R/B/Y. Go over to the tower in Lavender Town and use Lick (the only regular damaging Ghost attack back then) on a Gastly, if you need proof. And on top of that weakness, the R/B/Y ghosts all have low physical defenses, so even if they weren't part Poison they'd still get hit pretty hard by Ground, Rock, and Flying moves.

The R/B/Y ghosts (especially Gastly) are part Poison because they're made up of poison gas that can choke you if they float around your head.
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This may be because of the gems on its head, but tentacool and tentacruel look better as water/psychic types imo.
shuckle should be ground/water

I don't see how Shuckle is related to Water.

zangoose should be part poison and maybe dark as well

mawile should be poison/steel[/quote]

Why Poison? Just because they have sharp claws/fangs doesn't mean they should be Poison-type.

and doduo and dodrio should be normal types

They ARE Normal-type. Normal/Flying. Unless you meant pure Normal.

somehow i think scyther should be bug/normal or bug/flying
Scyther IS Bug/Flying.

And Poliwhirl looks like it should be Water/Fighting like Poliwrath, to me. I think they could have skipped the Politoed idea.
shuckle looks like a kind of shellfish to me

if seviper is poison and zangoose always uses poison, whatever with his claws, then i say he should be poison
mawile, mawile, something just strikes me about it to be poison

i meant pure normal, yes

forgot about that, nvm what about scyther, i like him like this anyway
Hrm? Zangoose has maybe two poison moves, it's main attacks are all normal. What are you talking about?

Steel/Dark works for Mawile.
Fire/Steel works for Torkoal
Sableye could be pure Dark
Zangoose looks like a good dark type, but I don't know where the poison type is coming from.

Torkoal actually would be a good Rock/Fire type, if it weren't so bad against water and ground type moves.

If tri type combos existed, Venomoth could be Poison/Bug/Flying.
Tyranitar Should Be Steel/Rock Type. It is known as the armor Pokemon.
The Tyrunt Line Up should be Pure Rock type. They are Dinosaurs not Dragons.
Milotic should be Water/Fairy type.
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