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Valentine's Day

i have a cbt session... but after i'm done with my weekly dose of scheduled self hate, i'll more than likely spend the rest of the day drawing dumb fanart and eating more chocolate than usual
Couples should be good to one another all the time, but Valentine's day is basically an excuse to be mushy and stuff publicly and not feel bad about it! I would like Valentine's day!

In any case, I'm probably not actually going to do anything other than sit on my computer; we're leaving for Myrtle beach tomorrow, which is something! Most of my friends are coupled off anyway and I don't feel like getting an earful of how sweet everyone's boyfriend is, so I'm going to avoid people (as usual) tomorrow.
All I've seen of Valentine's Day this year is the joke valentine cards (go check out the ones the official Pokémon Facebook made btw they're great) and those are cute. Usually I find it kind of annoying because some people won't let you not care about it, either you're gung-ho about Valentine's Day or you're in with the "single's awareness day"/"you should be spreading love EVERY day" crowd. It is a cute idea though, I just don't like how high-pressure people manage to make it. ə_e
single's awareness day is the shittiest fucking thing

no i mean like that you cant go anywhere without being reminded that oh haha fuck you
well from the looks of it i'm gonna be snowed in soooo

i mean there might be a party tonight that i can use to celebrate but *shrugs*

(valentine's day is cool.)
Why is there such a stigma on being single anyway? You don't have to date if you don't want to, and for fuck's sake, no one should determine their worth by whether or not they are in a relationship.

That being said, Valentines Day can be a fun day to spend time with your closest friends and romantic partners. It will be fun to distribute some of the fake valentines that have been going around on tumblr.
Society's jealous of singles because they can decide to wear pants whenever they want.

I'm just going to spend time with my friends. We've gotten some steep crushes lately although only one of us will actually do something about it tomorrow.
Why is there such a stigma on being single anyway? You don't have to date if you don't want to, and for fuck's sake, no one should determine their worth by whether or not they are in a relationship.

That being said, Valentines Day can be a fun day to spend time with your closest friends and romantic partners. It will be fun to distribute some of the fake valentines that have been going around on tumblr.

Hear, hear!

No one should judge their worth on whether or not they have a significant other!
Have a Valentine's Day playlist!

The tempo drops with each song, so listen to them in order for the full effect.

(Some of these are REALLY iconic, so you'll probably recognize them right away.)

I gave an M&M's tube to my crush. I feel accomplished.

I also got cards from a couple friends I thought wouldn't give me stuff, given we started talking since last semester.
sooo nothing happened. woohoo.

although i did get my giant essay turned in, so at least i'm not gonna fail or anything.
sooo nothing happened. woohoo.

same here. i mean we had fun and were kinda terrible people (but then again we were playing the game of things and that's just bound to end in terrible answers)

i mean i got a phone number but that kinda means nothing. (okay it possibly means something but what does it mean? we just don't know.)
i cooked on skype with my boyfriend! one time he was gonna say something romantic but he got distracted halfway through by his piano and forgot what he was saying. romance!
I got my yearly chocolate from my mother.

I'm a bit suprised. I haven't heard from her in a while.
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