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Warrior Cats Mafia [Mafia Victory]


The reflection of the moon
The silence in the living Clans' forests was a foreboding one.
"We must stop the dark forest!" cried the cats of StarClan.
"I fear that the only the living Clans can do that, and to do it, they will have to kill their own kind to survive. I will send them a sign, telling them of this, and hope that the Clans do as we say." said Shiningsteps, who was possibly the first cat in StarClan.

The Dark Forest's Uprising has begun. 48'ish hours for night actions.

(In case anyone noticed, I had to remake the thread , because when I clicked preview post, the associate mafia game with thing undid itself. It made me mad, so I didn't do as well on this one. Sorry, guys. )
Edit: And if you were wondering why the sign-ups thread still says "open", it's the result of my own stupidity.
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Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

I also say Abstain, It's not even day 1 yet x3

NOW I see why everyone says day 1 is usually the hardest XD

*Is embarrassed this is her first game... ^_^'*
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Don't worry, this is my second XD Which is why I just realized this is night actions, not daytime discussion.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Everyone woke up, their dreams from StarClan fresh in their minds. They wondered who the Dark Forest had killed that night. But, there was not a single dead body. The entire Clan was present, alive and well.
Nobody Died. You have 48 hours for discussion. Starreh-chan cannot be lynched.

Please, send in your night actions.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

So the Medicine Cat's Apprentice chose Starreh-Chan, and either the Warrior was chosen by the mafia, or the cat that was targeted by the mafia was also targeted by the Medicine Cat. And maybe some other eventualities I can't be bothered to spot.

Yay for stating the obvious in an attempt to look like I'm helpful.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Hmm. I wonder why the medicine apprentice chose Starreh-chan...

Anyways, I think we should abstain, as my epic-fail-at-making-might-actions-first-post states.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

They chose me? 0_o

Sweetness :3

We don't really have a choice besides to Abstain

So meep x3
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

lynch-blocker: please abstain from further lynch-blocking. it is kind of anti-town in general.

no information, no comment.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia


Um yeah. Nothing's going to come up on the first day so I'm abstaining, for now at least.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia


Hmm. Why Starreh-chan? others are surely more important and useful than her(sorry). Unless, Starreh got the role, and being new, got worried in her first game about being lynched and chose herself to day-save.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia


Hmm. Why Starreh-chan? others are surely more important and useful than her(sorry). Unless, Starreh got the role, and being new, got worried in her first game about being lynched and chose herself to day-save.

What makes you say Starreh-chan is "less important"? :/
Anyway, I suppose the lynch-protector choosing him or herself is a distinct possibility. I can see how lynch-protecting is a pretty counterproductive thing for an innocent to do, especially on the first day with no leads. Still, I think more information is needed before we can start pointing fingers and theorising about roles.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

Actually, I expected to be first-kill 0_o

Sure, it would have been inconvenient for me, but maybe the Dark forest would want me out of the way?

As for being picked for anti-lynch, maybe the med. apprentice was scared for me?

Meh, I don't know. That's what discussion is for, right?

All I can do is hope I don't get killed first now. x3
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia

What makes you say Starreh-chan is "less important"? :/
Anyway, I suppose the lynch-protector choosing him or herself is a distinct possibility. I can see how lynch-protecting is a pretty counterproductive thing for an innocent to do, especially on the first day with no leads. Still, I think more information is needed before we can start pointing fingers and theorising about roles.

I think it's just that this is my first game, I'm inexperienced while most everyone else has at least 2 games they've done

I know my role, but it's too early for role-claims x3
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