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Warriors Fan Club

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I wrote part of my fic last night again. I've finally continued working on it. But I only wrote about a page and a half =P

~Untile next time
^Same here =P

Also, I always seem to have epic endings and background stories, but I can never think of fill-in events. Because of this, my stories/etc. usually end up too short =/

~Until next time
I can almost never write anything without ditching it somewhere along the way. But this is somewhat irrelevent.
The furthest I ever got was 21,000 or something like that, for NaNoWriMo. I ended up not finishing because I thought I was ahead a few weeks in and took a break, and.. never started again >_>
I can almost never write anything without ditching it somewhere along the way. But this is somewhat irrelevent.

Yeah, same here. I actually managed to complete NaNoWriMo, though (50,224 words, I think it was) because I made myself complete it. 8D
I lost NNWM. Mine was about some half-wolf guy who travels to another planet.

Really far-fetched if you ask me.

Back on topic...


My favorite leader is Tallstar :3 Followed by Crookedstar... But Silverstream is my favorite warrior/
StarClan cat
ever :D She's pretty.
She's pretty in the first of Graystripe's manga series, The Lost Warrior. I love Graystripe <3
I've almost finished reading the first series for the fourth time~
I'm half-done with A Dangerous Path. Next month I'm buying all of Po3.

~Untile next time
Po3 is my favorite of the three main parts of the series. It's so much different and more mysterious than the others.
I don't have any book money
Going to spend it all on platinum and the dsi

Did you know that the helmet in my avi is based off of the starclan symbol?
I'm trying to save my allowance for when Po3 comes out, but it's just so hard to say no when someone asks me for money =/
I'm too generous for my own good.
I thought maybe it might be the best series. Which is why I really want to buy it. I don't know =/

~Until next time
I'm trying to save my allowance for when Po3 comes out, but it's just so hard to say no when someone asks me for money =/
I'm too generous for my own good.
I thought maybe it might be the best series. Which is why I really want to buy it. I don't know =/

~Until next time

You could always rent them out... :/
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