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Weird Feelings/Sensations

Then again, I've also pondered if my Playstation 1 could read my mind... I guess I'm paranoid.

GBA, here x3

As for strange things I've felt, I often feel
-Some form or ears/horns/etc on top of my head
-A tail occasionally
It's quite weird. Oo

Other then that...
Dunno. I feel strange things in dreams a lot, though. I was once half awake and half asleep while falling in my dream, I knew I wasn't falling, but it felt like I was.

Also had a Nightmare I couldn't wake up from once.

And whenever I fly in dreams, I just hover up for a few seconds and then fall. (This was particularly bad in a dream where I was piloting a spaceship, and it crashed... :/) This also once caused me to be captured by a couple of dudes made of ribbons who were chasing me (Not sure), because it was either be captured or jump off the cliff of doom there (my mind definatly based it off of something from Klonoa..)... Woops I rambled a bit there didn't I.. :P

Ah yes, I have deja vu about Tv shows or commercials a lot xD

...I have a feeling that I went a bit off topic at the dream part, too..
Sometimes, when I stay up far too late, I start feeling like I'm tipping over backwards. And when I'm lying down and feeling really, really tired, but not letting myself sleep (if I'm reading a book or something) it feels like I'm swinging from side to side.
I also feel like I'm tiping over backwards in my bed if I have to sleep without a pillow.

It's really quite scary.
I also have this odd feeling in my head when there's a TV on nearby.

This. And since I sleep in this weird position where I end up laying on my side, my arms sort of crossed and hiding my face, it always feels like my right arm is tighening around my face without my control, yet nothing happens.
Sometimes, when I'm being silent and just observing people, I forget that I'm a human, and believe that I'm above them somehow... One time while doing that, I got this weird thought that I was Mewtwo (the Pokemon, mind you)...

Okay, this isn't exactly a weird feeling or anything, (but occasionally I'll do this thing sorta as a hobby for myself) I ask loud and clear in my head for:

"Anyone who can, and is reading my mind right now, please raise your right hand."

Or something simillar to that. Kind of stupid, but why not check? No one ever raised there hand of course, except one time on the bus I did that, and one guy did! I tried to start a mental conversation with him, but he decided to start ignoring me I guess... :(
Me and my friend make energy balls. You feel the energy in your hand and its just weird. I put my hand in by friends ball and I felt the energy,it was almost like a static feel
Me and my friend make energy balls. You feel the energy in your hand and its just weird. I put my hand in by friends ball and I felt the energy,it was almost like a static feel


That sounds cool. It's like "PINESTAR used Energy Ball!"

I don't really get it, though.

For some reason I can't do straddle stretches or anything like that very well, but the butterfly stretch is really easy...
wow the energy ball thing worked =0! also, the number "7" sometimes appear next to me and start telling the test answers to me =p.
Sometimes, I just sort of... Space out. But not like 'spacing out' spacing out... Like, my favorite anime characters randomly appear (namely, Creed Diskenth) and start talking to me, and, like, sometimes I'm not even in the room anymore... Like, in some kind of forest with one of my friends and we're on a mission to save the world with that anime character...

Sometimes, I feel like I'm flying... But, not with wings, like, with some invention that uses 'aura' (the aura part is probably from the fact that I watched Lucario and the Mystery of Mew a few times too many?) that you can put on your arms and lower leg and it makes you go, like, breakneck speeds to, well, wherever... o.o;

And sometimes, I feel like something really big is gonna happen – can't tell if it's good or bad, though – like an anime character falling through the roof to come and take me away to save the world or one of my online friends walking in the door...

I can her music clearly even when music is not playing. I know it's already been mentioned here, but it's a little different for me... I can focus on it, and it gets louder. *shot*

Also, I have daja vu a lot...

When I get through reading a book, I feel slightly dizzy.

Also, for the average person, I have a lot more lucid dreams... But it doesn't feel lucid until I realize that I'm dreaming(often indicated by something or someone that doesn't 'fit', like a room that isn't there or a person that I know is not real), then I can control things to an extent. It's really creepy, but awsome at the same time. :D

When I'm sleeping, it feels like only 5 minutes have passed, but really it's been 9 or more hours. I also ALWAYS wake up more tired than I went to sleep. (I thought it was supposed to be the other way around?)

More when I think of them... :D
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I've been able to do that energy ball thing. Once I accidentally burned my step sister like that. It was very odd, there was even a mark to prove it. It's easier to do the energy ball thing if you have quarts in your posession as I have found out. Once I also made the quarts shock my brother several times, it was funny.
Also, for the average person, I have a lot more lucid dreams... But it doesn't feel lucid until I realize that I'm dreaming(often indicated by something or someone that doesn't 'fit', like a room that isn't there or a person that I know is not real), then I can control things to an extent. It's really creepy, but awsome at the same time. :D

I always realize I'm having a dream, but I never can control it, I concentrate to hard and wake up D:
I see... furries. Everywhere in this thread. Wishing for something more/less than being human?

As for those who can create "energy balls", it is probably the heat your are emitting from your body- if you concentrate, you can slightly increase the output of heat from your hands. Maybe you should check out PsiPog, if you really want to take this psychic business seriously.
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