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Weird Feelings/Sensations

...the moral of the story is that Dannichu is a moron and should be allowed out among normal people.
Don't you mean "should not"?
I really hate having anyone touch my neck, because I keep thinking they're going to attack or try and strangle me or something.
I used to have something like this with my chest- somehow I just felt really uncomfortable if anything, however harmless, came into contact with it, and would have to move said item. I haven't experienced this in a while, but it used to mean I couldn't wear a seatbelt properly, and I think it even happened if my shirt lay too flat if I was lying on my back. (It sounds even less sensical when I try to describe it... XD)

EDIT: Also, sometimes, when a song gets stuck in my head, I can hear it really well, like almost as if it's actually playing next to me, and then when I notice this it goes away. If I try to start it up again, it doesn't work, only to come back later when I'm not thinking about it. And so the cycle repeats itself.
This sort of thing happens to me too- often while in bed and not succeeding in getting to sleep. I'll just start thinking of a sound until I can actually hear it in my ear. As soon as I realise I can hear it, it goes away, then maybe comes back again a few minutes later if I try thinking about it hard again. Of course, during these periods I'm generally quite tired, so I might be either dreaming it or making it up.

...I feel such a freak after typing this post D=
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^Ditto on the first part (Darksong). I dreamt I fell about fifty feet and survived easily.

It was fun. I really felt like I was falling.
Every once in awhile I'll get a feeling of impending doom. I get really scared and start waiting for the end to come.
One time after I got home from a concert, I was laying in bed and could hear music playing. I searched across my room in case my CD player had been left on or something. It took me a while to realize it was all in my head. XD
Sometimes I seem to skip through time. Mostly when I'm trying to fall asleep. I turn over, kind of pet my cat for a while, and then I roll back over and look at my clock and it's been an hour o.o

I once had the feeling that I had fur growing in my throat.

I also have these odd thingys where I'm just doing something normal and all the sudden I feel like there's a lot of pressure inside of my head, but I feel lightheaded too at the same time. Then I kinda get off balance and go kinda blind. I can only see some kind of brown stuff that's like really thick mist, or sorta thin fog, but it's liquidy too.

Not to mention those feelings where you're dreaming, fall off a cliff, wake up and feel like you're still falling.
I also have these odd thingys where I'm just doing something normal and all the sudden I feel like there's a lot of pressure inside of my head, but I feel lightheaded too at the same time. Then I kinda get off balance and go kinda blind. I can only see some kind of brown stuff that's like really thick mist, or sorta thin fog, but it's liquidy too.

That happens to me too. It's really awkward when you're going up the stairs at school and almost fall over. ;_;

I think my friend called it a "head rush", but I forgot. ^^;
I have two things that happened recently:

Last night, I was laying on my boyfriend when I suddenly felt like I had fins, like a merman-type thing. It was just a moment, but it was cool.

Also, today, my boyfriend went out of town and he won't be back until tomorrow night, so I've been kinda down and such. But a couple times, I've smelled his scent. It's very fast and very faint, but I can smell him as if he were just sitting next to me. It's nice and then I don't miss him so much. ^_^
Once, I was just lying on my bed, when suddenly I felt like I was beginning to float. I was like "o_O aaaaAAAAHHHHH!" and then it stopped.
I'll just be in front of a vending machine and press a button to see what the price of an item is. After that, I go wild and start randomly, quickly pressing as many as I can until someone walks up and says, "Are you okay?"

Whenever I feel like I'm falling in my sleep, my body twitches and falls back on the bed just as I wake up.

Whenever I'm annoyed or try to hit someone, I always clench (for lack of a better word) my fingers like I'm cringing or trying to scratch them.
Whenever I'm annoyed or try to hit someone, I always clench (for lack of a better word) my fingers like I'm cringing or trying to scratch them.

I always clench my teeth together really tightly. :/ It hurts like hell and I don't realise I'm doing it at all.

I have tons and tons of weird feelings and sensations, so the next time I have one I shall post it here. >D
Sometimes I seem to skip through time. Mostly when I'm trying to fall asleep. I turn over, kind of pet my cat for a while, and then I roll back over and look at my clock and it's been an hour o.o

Every so often, the same sort of thing happens to me- again when trying to sleep (but not succeeding). I'll close my eyes and open them again a little later, certain I haven't fallen asleep at all, and it's been about five times as long as I think. But then, maybe I am just falling asleep for a bit and not realising it :p
Well, I remember once standing up, looking down and thinking, "Whoa. My legs are really far away."
If I spend ages playing with something small like lego, Rubik's cubes, or something like that, everything else feels small for a while after. I keep feeling like the keys on a keyboard are tiny and I keep hitting the wrong letters. This makes me feel taller as well, so when I'm standing up, and about to sit down, my backside hits the chair much sooner than I expect.
When I'm trying to get to sleep, I'll drift off into a sort of half-asleepness during which I'll be imagining something or other, and if there's an impact of some sort I physically jolt and then wake up - I suppose I must have fallen into a state of semiconsciousness during which I dreamed. xD Haven't ever experienced the "falling" (unless the event I just described was?) or lucid dreamed before, though.

When I'm half-asleep I also tend to have disoriented thoughts that, as soon as I snap back to full awakeness, I forget completely other than maybe a few words. I had just woken up from falling asleep once on the way back from a band competition, and in this state I managed to think something about my friend's crush and something black and white. I then snapped into clarity and promptly went "wtf".

When I'm playing my DS in my room with the sound up, after around half an hour I'll start to be too tired to even keep my eyes open and thus turn off the game... but as soon as the game's off I'll stop feeling tired. Huh.
Sometimes (Which is almost always) I feel as if I am a tiger, and when I see small animals, I want to chase them down and kill them, but I force myself not to. And I become very territorial, if someone/something comes to near my room/stuff I want to growl at them, but I try to restrain myself, but sometimes it still comes out. I also purr A LOT its like an obsession, "Hi, huurr Zuea, hurrr whats up? hurrr. >.> I sometimes even want to eat raw meat, but I don't because their is bacteria it it. Also, if my bed doesn't smell like me and my cat, I can't sleep, so when I wash my blankets I can't sleep for days :( I smell everything and if I don't recognize the scent, I go nuts, I hate perfume/cologne/AXE crap because it doesn't smell natural, I can't stand it. I act like a tiger all the time, whether it be vocal or physical actions.
Wow, I am insane. >.> I even think I'm a tiger, just trapped in a human body.
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