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Weird Feelings/Sensations

Ever since I put up a poster next to my bed, on the west wall, it's like there's a person-magnet on the other side of it. I can't leave my spot next to the poster.
Quite often, I've forgotten my own name, and/or the fact I'm a human. More than once, I've thought I was an animal of some kind.
Yeah, sometimes I honestly believe I'm something else until the mirror proves me wrong.
Sometimes, I'll get some kind of idea in my head, and then later it happens, though usually a little differently.


I've tried intense focus in bed sometimes and then my entire body tingled for a few seconds. Don't ask me why I attempted this.
I also have this odd feeling in my head when there's a TV on nearby.

and this,

Well the only thing I can think of at the moment is the fact that I can be sitting there typing, and all of a sudden it'll feel as if I have wings. Like I can feel them there. It's very weird.

and this,

I get the same thing.

With the focusing I discovered it when I was about 12 and I've kept trying ever since because I'm still baffled at what it is. It feels like tensing, but you're not actually tensing muscles, as you say, just focusing on something in the back of your head and neck, and in your chest. Like it feels like rushing water inside your body and you feel it building up. At that point my vision begins to go wierd, like someone's turned the sharpness up to high on the TV so iobjects start to get those black edges, and I can't keep it up, it's like it uses effort and I get tired.

I have no idea what the sensation is but it feels wierd.

and this.

Now that I think of it, I'm really weird.:sweatdrop:
this is a bit weird and i'm not sure how to explain it, it's like, something happens to me that's never happened to me before, then i get the feeling i've seen it somewhere, like it's a distant memory you've forgotten then it comes back to you. it creeps me out, and it's normally only something really pointless, like someone showing me a picture or something

and then when i have a dream, it's so damn lifelike, so real that i can still clearly define the events after years of them happening. only they rarely happen, due to these two things i feel really like an outcast to everyone else even they don't know about it... it's creepy
this is a bit weird and i'm not sure how to explain it, it's like, something happens to me that's never happened to me before, then i get the feeling i've seen it somewhere, like it's a distant memory you've forgotten then it comes back to you. it creeps me out, and it's normally only something really pointless, like someone showing me a picture or something

Deja Vu...
and then when i have a dream, it's so damn lifelike, so real that i can still clearly define the events after years of them happening. only they rarely happen, due to these two things i feel really like an outcast to everyone else even they don't know about it... it's creepy

"Lucid dreaming", it doesn't happen to most people.
this is a bit weird and i'm not sure how to explain it, it's like, something happens to me that's never happened to me before, then i get the feeling i've seen it somewhere, like it's a distant memory you've forgotten then it comes back to you. it creeps me out, and it's normally only something really pointless, like someone showing me a picture or something
trust me, probably nearly everyone has experienced this sensation before, it's called déjà vu

edit: same time post with Echo
it's way more than deja vu, WAY more, and this is also the part of why i said it was difficult to explain, most people would think it's deja vu but it's not
Sometimes I'll be thinking something, and my thoughts will get very loud, like they're screaming at me. ^-^;

And sometimes my thoughts come into my head in song form.

But that's it really. :D
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I like to play with string and things. Ribbons, my stuffed jellyfish's tentacles, it really depends on the texture and size.

So, I make up stories in my head a lot. I did this more frequently when I was young, and the stories almost never are finished, just left when I get tired. The protagonist is almost always female, and my age (though not really a self insert- I just feel that I can relate to these characters more; when I was younger, the protagonist ALWAYS had blond hair, like me and was very likely a self insert). I used to most often need a book to make these stories up. I would hold the book and make up stories, staring at it, and twirling with a string. Lack of any of these resulted in impaired creativity. My hair made a decent substitute for a string.

But this one time, I was making up a story and twiddling my stuffed jellyfish's tentacles a lot, looking down at my book, and I twirled the tentacles madly, just kind of flipping them around a lot, and everything became rather bizarre. Just relaxing and strange, and there were sort of patterns like the kind you see after applying pressure to closed eyes. It was really bizarre, and the frantic movement of the string was weird. I kind of shook myself and went on with the story. I don't know what it was.
this is a bit weird and i'm not sure how to explain it, it's like, something happens to me that's never happened to me before, then i get the feeling i've seen it somewhere, like it's a distant memory you've forgotten then it comes back to you. it creeps me out, and it's normally only something really pointless, like someone showing me a picture or something

Happened to me as well. The smell of a tumble-dryer, and an exact one-foot-square area in my old school did this to me. The strangest thing is that I still don't know what they remind me of or why they remind me of it.
Sleeping Paralysis. Nearly every morning, unfortunately. I always have my eyes closed, but if I concentrate really hard, I can move my hands and touch my face or something - like I can feel myself doing it, but when I actually physically wake up, I haven't moved at all.
Annoying. >:|

Zora of Termina said:
Well the only thing I can think of at the moment is the fact that I can be sitting there typing, and all of a sudden it'll feel as if I have wings. Like I can feel them there. It's very weird.

This too! :o
The bird thing happened again. Except, this time I was in my mother's car, and I saw a plump bird in the tree. The first thought that came to my head was I need to remember my hunting skills. It felt like I had unsheathed claws and a swishing tail...
I seriously hope I'm turning into a cat. Don't be surprise if I disappear suddenly.

Whenever I think of someone close, I always (if I'm lying down) curl tight into a ball as if I'm protecting something. I'm like a mother to her kits -- I'm very protective of certain people.
I have this huge craving for meat, and I always feel like I have claws and wolf ears. Right now I feel as if I have a nose like that, too. I always feel like I have to run on four legs, and I do it as well as bipedalism. It was less tiring when I went up the sledding slope on four legs....

Raw meat always looks waaaaaaaaaaay tastier than cooked meat. I'm not picky about meat and at the same time I am; I'll eat meat prepared almost any way, but I always discard the bits that are too tough for me. I like my meat slightly undercooked, and I greatly enjoy chewing on the gristle of steak. I wonder what it would be like to chew bones.... now my mouth is watering.

I always kiss people by licking them, and sometimes if I type more than five words I feel like my hands are paws.

Last night when I jumped from 3 or 4 feet, I landed really hard and it felt like the nonexistant pads in my hands and feet absorbed the shock, although it still hurt. Don't be surprised if I leave for a long time, or even forever, because I think I'm a werewolf or something.
Yay for toying around with my imagination.

As a matter of fact, I feel like I'm a cat at the very moment, but the most convincing part is the nose. I feel like I have a feline's nose and mouth. :D

There's also a certain someone (still won't tell who, out of sensitivity towards them) who amuses me greatly, and who I have a laugh just for, for some odd reason. It's like your average chuckle or giggle, except one thing: it's mostly silent. I mean, I know I'm laughing, but little to no sound comes out. And I never do it for anyone else. And yes, this does count as a weird sensation/feeling because it doesn't feel like a normal laugh either. It's mostly a randomly silly feeling, but understanding and protective at the same time.
I sure hope I'm a wolf/werewolf. I feel like one right now. :DDDDD

Sometimes, when I mention Naruto, in front of my class or not, code or not, I get really hot all of the sudden. It's like I have hot fur from embarrassment. The same thing happens when I see the ICAT (ask Darksong), except for the fact that I put my hands over my eyes.
Hidden Lotus

When someone mentions Naruto in school, including me or Cryptica, I freeze and my face goes cold, as if I'm getting pale. I sure hope I'm not... that will give everything away. The most recent time this happened was when a 5th grader shouted "Rasengan!" I was drawing an owl at the time, and I was so startled, I almost dropped my pencil, as if to give myself away. Next time someone mentions anything having to do with it, I will probably scream.

That's another thing. Recently, I've gained a tendency to scream.
I love this thread :DD

Oh yeah. Last year at an auction, it just HAD to be Mark who presented the Naruto puzzle. I wasn't interested, and at the end he said Naruto was stupid. I was slightly offended, asked him why, and he said something about "just because." It was at this point that I got hot and froze before getting back to my writing twenty seconds later.
sometimes I feel as though present-day society as a whole is an improvement upon the past systems of life man has created and that if each person did in fact become a flawless cog in the human machine, our species could achieve immeasurable heights and create brilliant networks of groupthought and combined strength. Take ants or termites, for example. Hundreds of thousands in a single colony, and every individual works as a part of the mass. Look at the height of their towers, the intricacy of their tunnels. If every individual fell out of routine, what would become of their species? Chaos, and eventually, extinction. Why, then, should we not use the same instinctive concepts as the ants and the termites to? Why not use their society as a model for our own?

Luckily though, man, I don't think that often.
Randomly today I felt like I neede to curl up like a cat and take a nap. I actually laid down like that for a few moments while my printer was printing.
Sometimes I look around at all of the buildings we have built and all of the breaks we've made in science, and I wonder what kind of sick alien civilization would have allowed us to live this long after putting us here.
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