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Weird Feelings/Sensations

I'm extremely sensitive to high frequencies, so I tend to get weird feelings in my head a lot.

Also, while listening to the right song in the right setting, I start to feel really...for lack of a better word, deep. Sort of akin to having a religious experience. However, since I'm not religious at all, these feelings are very strange. It's kind of a stoned sort of feeling, only with less giggling and more insight. (DISCLAIMER: Never actually been stoned, I'm judging by reports from people I know. No, seriously, if I had been, I'd own up)
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When I get tired and I'm falling asleep, I start to hear voices in my head. Like as I start to fall asleep, but don't want to, I go into this dreamlike state where I hear voices talking.

Also looking at certain things makes me hungry. If I look at an abstract painting, it may make me hungry. Looking at certain people makes me hungry.

And I once had a dream where I was stuck in a white round room. And knew it was a dream. And couldn't wake up. Creepy as hell. I kept trying to wake up and kept drifting in and out of sleep. Still in that white room. Also have struggled to wake up a few times, opening my eyes and such. It feels like I'm drowning and trying to get out of an ocean.

I also sometimes feel like I have an opposable thumb on my feet. Like a monkey's or something at times.

And like, really LOW BASSY SOUNDS just sort of make me cough, because I can feel them in my heart... my actual heart, beating in my chest. It feels like the beating gets out of sync when bass-like sounds boom, it's quite an odd feeling... not pleasant.
And like, really LOW BASSY SOUNDS just sort of make me cough, because I can feel them in my heart... my actual heart, beating in my chest. It feels like the beating gets out of sync when bass-like sounds boom, it's quite an odd feeling... not pleasant.

Darksong and I get that too. If there's a radio on a table playing music, we can feel the music through the table.

When people scream, it doesn't seem to be too loud for anyone but us. I guess we're sensitive to sound.
Cryptica, are you and Darksong sisters or just really close friends?

Lately I've been very, very emotional. Like, I was watching the battle scene from Prince Caspian just because it was on, and for some reason, I just started feeling like I was about to cry. By the scene where Lucy meets Aslan in the woods, I had tears flowing and had to leave the room.

Also my emotions have just been generally out of wack. Last Saturday I was chillin' with my friend and her boyfriend and started feeling really, really lonely and jealous for really no reason. It went away later, but meh.

Also, when I'm swimming, I sometimes feel like I have fins instead of legs, and I'll move like it, too. It doesn't help that I often get songs about merfolk stuck in my head too D:
Once I overdosed on my inhaler, got dizzy, saw everything in pixels and collapsed. That was pretty weird.

When Im drunk, my head always seems really heavy (I have an awful habit of just dropping my head down on the table... and waking up the next day with an awful non-hangover-related headache).

Once I spent the entire day at the computer, on the chair while sitting on one of my legs. When my dad got home, I got up to go and say hi and fell straight over because I had no sensation in my leg whatsoever. It took about ten minutes to be able to actually walk properly after that XD

And morphine makes everything, regardless of the severity of your inury, absolutely fabulous. Its the most amazing stuff in the world.

...the moral of the story is that Dannichu is a moron and should be allowed out among normal people.
Like Cryptica said about feeling like a wolf.. me too. I've eaten raw steak once just for the heck of it. It tasted surprisingly good... until my mom came home and found me sitting cross legged on the floor, eating what was supposed to be dinner. I got yelled at quite a lot because she thought I would get really sick. ^^; (I didn't.)
I really hate having anyone touch my neck, because I keep thinking they're going to attack or try and strangle me or something.
My hearing is weird. I often have to ask people to repeat what they say about three times before I understand, but I can hear a cell phone ringing next door, and even hear my DS charging. I swear. It's a really high-pitched "sqeeeee" type sound.
I'm crazy! :D More of this stuff as I think of it. This thread rocks.
and even hear my DS charging. I swear. It's a really high-pitched "sqeeeee" type sound.
I'm crazy! :D More of this stuff as I think of it. This thread rocks.

I agree with you on this part of the post.

And yes, Darksong and I are twin sisters.
If I think of an animal/creature, very rarely I can momentarily feel like it. But it's not that good, as it only happens with more humanoid things.

Sometimes, when writing, I have the oddest urge to drop my writing utensil. I'm not tired or anything, but I just have an odd feeling that makes me want to drop it.

There's probably more, but I can't think of any. (Man, I'd REALLY love it if I was only part human.)
And morphine makes everything, regardless of the severity of your inury, absolutely fabulous. Its the most amazing stuff in the world

I agree! XD

My hearing is weird. I often have to ask people to repeat what they say about three times before I understand, but I can hear a cell phone ringing next door, and even hear my DS charging. I swear. It's a really high-pitched "sqeeeee" type sound.

Same here, when someone's talking, I totally can't hear them, but when somebody's car pulls into the driveway, and I'm nowhere near an outside wall, I already know they're there.

@Cryptica: If you're a wolf and Darksong is a cat... are you going to eat your sister??? O_o;;;
When someone describes something Gorey or I see something like that on TV, I imagin what it would feel like on me... It slightly scares me.
Sometimes I start imagining what other people's perceptions of me are like, and then when I snap back to reality and start thinking in the first person again, it's like I forgot who I was and that I'm kind of shocked about my identity.

Other times, when I'm about to go to sleep, I'm lying down and these weird fragmented thoughts run through my head. Only recently did I start paying attention to them, and they make no sense whatsoever. They're all disjointed sentences like "Grab the fire helmet" or "The pink cadet is on the loose" or "The third one was a bit better than I expected". The weird thing is that I have no idea where these are coming from, and I can only listen in, not actually affect these bizarre fragments.

EDIT: Also, sometimes, when a song gets stuck in my head, I can hear it really well, like almost as if it's actually playing next to me, and then when I notice this it goes away. If I try to start it up again, it doesn't work, only to come back later when I'm not thinking about it. And so the cycle repeats itself.

Right now, I can't get to sleep. But it's not because I'm not tired, or because I have insomnia or something. I imagine that if I tried to get to sleep I would drift away pretty quickly. The thing is, I just don't want to go to sleep. It's like, fuck you, subconscious! I just don't want to go unconscious for nine hours, hallucinate wildly, and leave it up to random chance that I wake up in the morning. This is a persistent problem, but not so much when I have school the next day. If anyone has any advice on how to treat this, it would be much appreciated.
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Now quiet thoughts are starting to go through my head, but I can't hear them and I'm not making them.

Get louder or quieter, thoughts.
I can feel like a Kadabra if I think about it. Earlier this morning I was thinking about it a lot, and then when I went downstairs to sign Christmas cards I felt like I was a Kadabra.

Or it may have just been an illusion of how much I like Kadabra....
Wow, I'm not the only person has that "invisible wings" sensation?

Aaaand I finally remembered the other one I was going to mention. Much like I get the invisible wings sensation, I can just be sitting there and I'll feel like I have a fox's ears and tail. And then if I have to get up and pace (it's like an OCD thing; I get restless and impatient if I don't pace around the basement [where the computer is] every so often) when I have that sensation, I'll want to do it on all fours.
At times, when I get really hyper and am alone, I'll get the urge to crawl around on all fours and jump around, usually resulting in hurting my knees and/or wrists. D:
yea,I also have invisible wings.I also feel like I could run realy fast and jump realy high,its not hyperness I just fell strong(lets all hope I'm not turning into a vampire(watch twilight) like some kid many years ago that I met said so...)at night sometimes when I am half asleeep I like fall in my sleep,I feel myself falling. my cousan also *falls* in her sleep.
^Ditto on the last part.

I get more hyper with emotion than I do sugar.

Another one. When I listen to K.K. Aria in Animal Crossing (the live version), I feel like I'm going yeep (about to faint). Same thing happens when I'm surprised by something.
My boyfriend has really averse affects to some drugs - an ordinary dosage of paracetamol, for example, makes pain worse for an hour, then he'll sleep for about eight hours, regardless of what time of day it is.
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