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Weird Phobias?

I'm sure there's been a thread like this before, but I decided to start a new one. My friend and I decided I'm pretty much the Queen of having odd phobias. Post your here.
My list of phobias (as of now) includes:
~vacuum cleaners
~raw meat
~loud random noises
~hair dryers
~straightening irons
~a world without ramen
~mayonnaise. yes mayonnaise.
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^You sound vaguely familiar. :o

I'm afraid of balloons and answering the telephone. :D
Everyone else in the world who watches Naruto thinks the ICAT is awesome. Ask Darksong what it is if you don't know.

(AKA I'm afraid of it and every variation on it except the CAT)
Aliens. I usuallly don't believe in them, but i'm concerned.

And like the fact everything will end up in a really bad way. So basically I have a fear of worst case scenarios.

-Balloons (Not so much the balloons themselves but more that they could pop very loudly at any minute) and pretty much anything that makes a loud, sudden noise.
-Straight razors or anything that could cause a small, thin cut.
-Computer viruses.
-Venomous spiders. Sucks, because I have them in my house in the spring and summer.
-Anything that causes even slight pressure to my wrists.

I also have a fear of screwing things up. Everything. No matter what it is.

Yup, same here.
Any sort of insect with legs or wings, except lady bugs, and I'm just afraid of touching flies, but not afraid of flies touching me. It's odd, really o.o
Answering the phone is also scary for me o.o
Insectaphobe maybe? XD
I also forgot- fear of things that buzz. Not neccessarily insectophobia because I love spiders...and there are other things that buzz like electric razors, blenders, and...vibrating cellphones. XP
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Spiders aren't insects. A fear of spiders is not insectophobia. It's arachniphobia. Get it right please.
That one day I will snap and beat people who post in coloured text.

HI 5! :D
Colored text is annoying >:[
I am an arachnophobe , and insectophobe xD And needles and sharp things near my eyes. And ooh dentists drills and other dentist tools.
I have a fear of...insects, actualy. They creep me out...

Also a fear of rejection which was why I couldn't call the guy I liked to ask him to a dance.

I used to have a very bad fear of water, which resulted in this scene:

*somehow got into water thank to godmother* Mommy! Daddy! I didn't drown this time!

Note the "this time" part. o.o
The fear of government. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this world? Haven't people had enough of our leaders screwing us by stealing our tax money, using it for some stupid shit (like the Iraq War), then spying on our emails and phone conversations? I can't live a day without worrying that some day I'll lose my freedoms and be a slave to the people above us.

I also have a habit of checking a thread to see if my post is still there. Sometimes, I'm scared that an admin deleted my post ._. It used to happen to me all the time in other forums.

That one day I will snap and beat people who post in coloured text.

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