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Also, question. Why are people saying "the UK is not a country?"
answer: because they're adorable bargain-bin-nationalists from "countries" that haven't been independent in over four hundred years and for all intents and purposes are exactly the same as the BIG EVIL OVERLORD ENGLISHERS

i mean, at least irish nationalism has some credibility, but i never even thought that welsh nationalism existed before i came to this forum.


human rights,

greeks was thinking up dat shit ages back.

i concede here.


an emo, another emo and a hippy

fun fact: the french word for "music" translates literally as "white noise"

a beautiful language
lack of compound nouns is fail.

and more sexiness than I can ever hope to experience, read about or watch.
pft. you've not seen sexy until you've laid eyes on COUNT VON ZEPPELIN

o hey relevance to topic go!

I am currently living in Britain, and I'm of both English and German stock. I try to identify with both nationalities, but my parents didn't really help by not giving me any German names and by abandoning the language after I turned three. D:

disclaimer: most of this post was sarcasm. napoleon is actually a fekken badass, camus is an amazing writer, french is a pretty nice language and count ferdinand von zeppelin, while awesome, is not actually very sexy. although i stand by what i said about bargain-bin-nationalists. "wales as a sovereign nation" is on par with "a re-un-unified germany" for "hilarious ideas".
fashion shows in paris = unf

it's a well-known fact that france only has three writers

fun fact: the french word for "music" translates literally as "white noise"
counterpoint: james blunt

pft. you've not seen sexy until you've laid eyes on COUNT VON ZEPPELIN
*faps furiously*
but i've never heard of zeppelin kissing though the name makes it sound cool
and come on the word 'sadism' was derived from the name of a french guy, you can never beat the french when it comes to sex, perverted or not.

nevertheless i'm moving to your country during and after uni so i'll have to get used to the french/british rivalry ): it's sad because if you guys joined forces you could mae like the ultimate country or summin
fashion shows in paris = unf
nono, i didn't make myself clear.


it's a well-known fact that france only has three writers
you also have only four scientists. and one violinist

counterpoint: james blunt

we have the futureheads. this overrules blunt et al.

and come on the word 'sadism' was derived from the name of a french guy, you can never beat the french when it comes to sex, perverted or not.
wait was there a french guy called "beady essem".

nevertheless i'm moving to your country during and after uni so i'll have to get used to the french/british rivalry ): it's sad because if you guys joined forces you could mae like the ultimate country or summin

germany/britain would be fuckwin.

all the badassery and monocles of britain, coupled with the Massive Industrial Win, COMPOUNDNOUNS and zeppelins of germany.
oh yes france has given the world overrated cuisine, a shitty language, some strokes on paper nobody cares about, and uh.... yeah.

france is so overrated :(

though it's nice if you can speak french there because then they just ramble on and on and you're like "what? i didn't get a word of that" because you know like your school french and that's it

Je parle de la merde, donc je suis un salaud.
clearly you have never heard of the french revolution
a well-intentioned act that led to decades of tyranny and murder.

Camus was Algerian. where is Descartes?
but iirc algeria was a french colony at the time so he's french.

and descartes is that chap who managed to work out that "i think therefore i am" which is either bloody obvious or makes no sense at all. right?

Marquis de Sade
he was extreme.
he scares me. ;_;
a well-intentioned act that led to decades of tyranny and murder.
they killed the royalty and other rich assholes who kept oppressing them actually (and who the fuck needs monarchy anyway)
and they did write the versailles treaty so yeah they did invent freedom and modern human rights??

and descartes is that chap who managed to work out that "i think therefore i am" which is either bloody obvious or makes no sense at all. right?

he scares me. ;_;
marquis de sade will rape you in your sleep
i mean i'm pretty sure he had sex with everything at least once. he was so hardcore he even managed to make napoleon go 'ugh, look at that guy, uuuugh' and imprison him in the bastille with some other porn writers (whom he hated, btw)
hahaha the storming of the bastille was fucking pathetic actually, i mean there were like ten guys in it at the time.

fear this faggort and his mighty sexing skills
the point is france are a bunch of prats

the fact they invented "freedom and human rights" (there is no such thing lol) just makes them cunts about it too. man I am so moving to Sweden. or Norway.
they killed the royalty and other rich assholes who kept oppressing them actually (and who the fuck needs monarchy anyway)
k they killed the monarchy

then they brought in the committee, who were a bunch of fuckwads. also, the terror.

they replaced one evil with another.

and they did write the versailles treaty so yeah they did invent freedom and modern human rights??
you are not seriously suggesting that the treaty was a good thing.

are you.
a well-intentioned act that led to decades of tyranny and murder.

the terror lasted a grand total of... one year

like it or not, the French Revolution broke the chain of absolute monarchy in Europe.
the terror lasted a grand total of... one year

like it or not, the French Revolution broke the chain of absolute monarchy in Europe.
what, and the english civil war and the rise of the british parliament's authority don't count for shit?

you're all cunts

nationalism is for cunts like wilders and the bnp and such

i am a child of the world
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