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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you think of fellow forumgoers

She doesn't care...anymore. At the time, she certainly did. You tell her she's acting all high and mighty when you do all the time.

I don't know you. Perhaps you are a very confident guy, perhaps you don't know what it's like to have low self-esteem and a fragile self-image. Fact is, some people do, and it's very, very hard to change that. Call them weak if you like, but you aren't helping their issue.
She cannot stop anyone from talking smack about her.

What she can do is change how she takes it.
I used to have low self-esteem and a fragile self-image
but then I was like, 'this is dumb'
and I found out I was a pretty cool guy
problem solved

it isn't 'very, very hard to change' it.
it's pretty simple.
QQ cry more, would you care for a tissue?

The internets are not srs business and if you don't like someone, then just ignore him/her/them kthxbai.
no but really
people act like it's so hard to go "oh hey you know, I'm not all that bad of a person at all! I like me"

and if you find yourself going "oh wow man I am totally stupid"
you should change that and then go "*now* I'm a pretty cool person and I like me."
Number 100 I like you and I always have I think

So, does everyone like me okay? I feel like while I'm not a major nuisance on this forum, I'm inadvertently behaving more and more like the regulars every day, which I assume makes some people see me as a suck-up, which in turn probably gets on some people's nerves. If this is true, and people are seeing me as a suck-up, I apologize. It's just that this is the only internet forum that I frequent, and so all the internet etiquette I've learned, I've learned from Eevee, surskitty, Retsu, opaltiger, Butterfree, etc.
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No idea, dude. Although I do like your typo of 'Buttefree'. No buttes here, y'know?

Why doesn't anyone learn anything from me

I'm clearly the best example on this forum D:
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