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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

I also have real life experience, and opal is not a jerk. >:/

My personal opinion on the subject of talking behind people's backs: I would much rather know that people are talking about me behind my back than not know whether or not they are. If I know they're talking about me and what they're saying, I can examine myself more objectively, see if there is some truth to what they say and try to improve myself as a person.

Being completely in the dark is a situation from which no progress can be made. Obviously one would prefer if no progress needed to be made, and it can be a very nasty experience to find out just what people are saying about you, but in the long run it helps the person.

Now, I thought some of the crap being said about Arylett was rather unfair and making unnecessary assumptions about her, and that doesn't really help anyone, but if I were her I would still much rather know than not know.

The "We love you" spiel once she was in the channel was what really pissed me off; I was in the middle of typing out a "Yes, they were making fun of you, and stop that bullshit you people" when it came out that she already knew. :/
As for #tcod being a bunch of jerks, yeah, they are.
Not really; we're perfectly fine with most people coming in and trying to integrate themselves. I mean look at Midnight; she was a total ditz when she came in the first time but we took her in anyway and now she's a pretty cool kind of guy*. Contrary to popular belief, we spend very little time making fun of people. Arylett just happens to come off like a more stylized version of this. (Though we still didn't start out telling her she's a moron; we waited until she started throwing her fit to tell her she was being a moron. Dezzuu tried that "oh you're ~AWESOME~ ^_^" act I guess but :V)

*gender-neutral, of course

EDIT: why is the Dialga link color so similar to the text color?
Hey, it's not like I said it in a bad way - in fact, it reminds me of the time I used to spend in the now-defunct #trsrockin making fun of people behind their backs.
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