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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

That is something you would say, Tailsy.


the general opinion of me tends to be "he's a fag and sucks fun out of things"
verne is epic, Dezzuu is lolz, Altmer is lolz, Tailsy is <3, Feral is \m/, surskitty is 8), opal is >:D

i am ready for some ego +/- now
Scizor is awesome. Hey, I'll go through the list.

Eevee is |3
opal is :D
surskitty is |D
Feral is lulz
Zhorken is :D
H-land is :D
NWT is :D
Number 100 is :]
Eaglebird is :]
Koori Renchuu is :]
Mudkip is :]
Tailsy is a damn scot faggot
Xikaze is :D
Zyn is :]
Midnight is :D
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I had a right to be at least somewhat hurt. I don't have a good self image, so what? A lot of us can't just take insults like that, not all of us have thick skin.
So instead of aiming for self-improvement, you want everybody to pad around your faults with you. Great.

I see this a lot and it still always disappoints me.

Alexi said:
Fact is, some people [have no self-confidence] and it's very, very hard to change that.
This is only because everyone insists that it's impossible and that it's right for it to be impossible because oh everyone's perfect anyway already, never change...
It really wouldn't be so hard if she'd stop spending so much energy loving herself for hating herself. :|
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I think we are getting back to that one point I and Eevee made back then where it was like "we aren't here to live in elven la-laland but to learn from our mistakes." And you see, that was my disappointment in people: their inability to change in the face of adversarial forces.

I mean if you want to be happy about yourself, gotta do something about it. The only one who can improve themself is... themself.

It's very easy for me to think of myself as a shitbag. Quite clearly, I can be one. But I know that mostly I am an idiot for thinking it. Many people I know (surprise surprise) quite like me. It's just that I happen to think so differently that most people don't get what the hell is going on. But the fact that I am liked doesn't grant me some sort of immunity to self-improvement. I make mistakes. We all do. But if you want to feel better about them, getting everyone to ignore the mistakes and put you on a pedestal simply is not satisfying in the end. And I'd like some more of that introspection on this forum, though it's filled with adolescents who are completely incapable of this at times.

Hence why I agree with Eevee.
Actually, I'm kind of surprised. I know you guys can take insults, but generally speaking, people do feel hurt when someone talks about them behind their back, regardless of whether that person knows them or whether there is actually any truth in what is said.

I mean, I have no problems with my self-confidence. But I still don't like it when people talk shit about me. Especially considering that she actually apologized for her "irrational" behavior, I think you could cut her some slack.

I'm not saying you're all wrong, though. I mean, trying to better yourself is often a good idea. But I really don't think it's reasonable to expect someone to be entirely emotionally unaffected by this sort of thing (even if that would be preferable...).

And anyway, I doubt you're helping her much. I think she'd be better off if you gave her a reluctant and utterly insincere apology rather than telling her how stupid it is of her to take offense. It doesn't make your advice any less useful, but it would probably make her happier. And, in fact, people tend to listen to you more if they don't perceive you as hostile.

(That said, I do tend to let my emotions cloud my intellect... Hrrm.)

Number 100 I like you and I always have I think

So, does everyone like me okay? I feel like while I'm not a major nuisance on this forum, I'm inadvertently behaving more and more like the regulars every day, which I assume makes some people see me as a suck-up, which in turn probably gets on some people's nerves. If this is true, and people are seeing me as a suck-up, I apologize. It's just that this is the only internet forum that I frequent, and so all the internet etiquette I've learned, I've learned from Eevee, surskitty, Retsu, opaltiger, Butterfree, etc.
I don't think of you as a suck-up, and I like you. No, scratch that, I love you. You're like a drug. You make me feel like I can fly. You make me feel - you make me feel shiny and new, like a virgin!

That is something you would say, Tailsy.


the general opinion of me tends to be "he's a fag and sucks fun out of things"
Actually, a lot of the fun came from you in the first place.
You know, I sort-of wish I hadn't told Arylett everything that had been said about her. If I hadn't, then, well, this whole thing would never have happened. But as Butterfree said, it would have been dishonest of me to not tell Arylett, with whom I am friendly, that other people had been saying harsh things about her behind her back, and that is why I said it.

I'm sorry that I began this, because if I hadn't then it would have prevented a lot of feelings being hurt.
But as Butterfree said, it would have been dishonest of me to not tell Arylett, with whom I am friendly, that other people had been saying harsh things about her behind her back, and that is why I said it.
Hrrm. Dishonest, perhaps, but what is honesty for, anyway? Keeping people happy is more important than being counter-productively moralistic...

Okay in all honesty I am pretty cool with anyone who hasn't proved themselves to be a complete retard \o/ so that's most of you I think
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