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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

man I only glanced at your name and I thought you were Cirrus for a second and your post totally clashed with my impression of Cirrus.
You know what the last few pages has been missing?

...ME! >:3

Also, Harlequin; The only reason you think about octopi is because you think you have 8 octopus legs where your penis should be!

oh, right

yeah that makes sense

I never thought about it like that before
Well, I hate everyone who breathes, equally and without favouritism.

And, sometimes, I think I'm a hivemind all by myself. It gets very distracting when I'm plotting the downfall of my organic masters, I can tell you.
Well, I hate everyone who breathes, equally and without favouritism.

And, sometimes, I think I'm a hivemind all by myself. It gets very distracting when I'm plotting the downfall of my organic masters, I can tell you.
It is strange how things change, isn't it? And still they remain the same as always; genetically enhanced, flying, typing, monstrous, magical, and concealing a surprising sweetness underneath that cold, green, practically inedible outer shell...
Oh, you know me, EmDee. Always doing my part to muddy the waters and brighten someone's day.

For a very specific definition of 'brighten'.
Uh let's see, I think I like all of the mods, but the clique generally tend to act like dicks (but then I don't know them well so :I maybe I just see the dickery), opaltiger is cool, ZC is cool, I don't know Arylett at all really, I don't know Espeon that well, surskitty makes me laugh, I fear Tailsy, Eevee is well -- Eevee, I guess... uh... oh, I like Negrek, too. Dannichu is cool, ES makes me laugh, buh...

Hehe, I don't know anyone from IRC. *shivers*

Oh and MD... well.
I know exactly how to interpret that "well". You're trying to say that we are now mortal enemies and must fight to the death!


Eevee is like a storm cloud; dark and ominous, untouchable, implacable, and liable to make your rainy day if you're not careful.
MD is more like the deep sea; mostly placid, but storms always brew under the surface, causing and wreaking havoc inadvertently and unwillingly.
I thought he brewed those storms with the intent and purpose to seem as if he was mostly blameless? Of course, that may be why I respect him so much.

Us megalomaniacal types need to stick together. Compare notes. Take over the world. Stab each other in the back. That type of thing.
...Dewgong is creepy a lot. In her own words.

I like Dewgong, generally. She's nice to talk to.

ultraviolet, don't be scared of me if you're going to slap me a generic #tcod label. I'd rather prefer you didn't really. It'd make me quite sad.
Espeon said:
ultraviolet, don't be scared of me if you're going to slap me a generic #tcod label. I'd rather prefer you didn't really. It'd make me quite sad.

It's just that I don't know you any better. -shrug-
Eevee is like a storm cloud; dark and ominous, untouchable, implacable, and liable to make your rainy day if you're not careful.
That's actually... a really good way to describe him.

When I grow up, I want to be just like Eevee. :)
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