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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

I love Floop to bits, even when she's a scary mod and/or grammar nazi. She's great fun to talk to and loves all the same random stuff that I do.
Although I don't think I've successfully convinced you to read KHR and I am unfamiliar with RENT. ... this should be fixed.

FOR THE MOST PART I like you guys? And even when I don't, I usually don't care enough to hold any ill will towards you and can likely be convinced to drop it for long enough to hold a civil conversation. SO UH I HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE I DON'T LIKE BUT DON'T CARE ENOUGH TO BE VERY STUBBORN ABOUT IT I GUESS? yeah I dunno nudge me if you want a more specific "BUT SURSKITTY, WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON ME" type thing. [shrugshrug~]
Tiggy: ◕ ◡ ◕ I don't know about him sometimes. *stoned* I've known him for years, and I still call him REP, because it's the shortest abbreviations of all the names he's had. XD; Longest internet friend, and when we talk to eachother, it's like nothing has changed. ;D

Zyn: Is awesome. Besides REP, Furiianda, and Shuu, the only person I still keep in contact with, who's still holds a permanent spot on any MSN list of mine. 8D Coolest friend a person could ever ask for, and we have yet to have a stupid argument over something...stupid. *knocks on wood* High five~

Furiianda: I'm not sure if she's made a new account yet, but Furiianda is what brought me back to the slightly older vB TCOD board. We just started talking again, out of the blue, a couple months ago, and we still keep in contact with eachother. She's currently living the life of your normal teenaged girl, and is living an exciting life. T-T Unlike me. She's great. 8D

Shuu: Has the best avatar-finding skills on the planet. I swear, if she has any supernatural superpower, it's the ability to find the world's cutest avatars in absolutely no time flat. There isn't a bad avatar that she finds, and I just wish I had her awesome abilities in order to find them, but alas, I'm stuck with dumb avatars that are somewhat dull to look at. T-T *Points at my Erika one* Nevertheless, I love her. <3 I've known her since she was nine, she's fourteen, while I'm nineteen now. So, do the easy math in your head. 8D
Okay so.

Deretto is rad. Yep. We've been friends for ages. We're not really close-tell-each-other-everything friends, I guess but yeah he is awesome I consider him a really good friend.
Okay so.

Deretto is rad. Yep. We've been friends for ages. We're not really close-tell-each-other-everything friends, I guess but yeah he is awesome I consider him a really good friend.

Yeah, Timmy is pure awesome, and that's not a random compliment. She was one of the first friends I made on TCoD. She did art for me without me asking. We're always talking about random shiz and cool stuff and laughing at not so cool stuff. Overall, she's awesome.
Everyone here seems ok and awesome (especially the people who draw in the art thread)
Vladimir Putin's LJ espcially because you have a great sense of humor especially in you art.
Erika: My very first internet friend! Will always hold a special spot in my heart. <3 Like he said, I've known him since I was NINE, so that's five whole years of Nate goodness that I've been able to witness so far. I still think your spriting is the best I've ever seen. x3

Tiggy: Another one of my oldest internet friends. Four years, woot! We were TOGETHER for a time, even. xD We're talking a lot more lately, which is lots of fun. Like the good old times~

Timmy: Pure awesome! We used to talk all the time, didn't we~? Now I've kinda lost contact. xD You were one of my closest friends, and your art is so awesome. ♥ You could always make me laugh.

You gaize are awesome and I love all of you~ ♥
Okay, firstly, everyone who I don't mention, I don't really have an opinion of you.

MD: Well, as we all know, you're hilarious. :D

Altmer: I used to dislike you, but now I rather admire you. You're not as bad as you used to be, actually.

AK: The exact reverse of Altmer. I used to like you. Now, I think you're an attention-whoring loser who's just plain weird.

Charteon: Well, you're cool, but just that. Sorry...?

NWT: ^

Floop: You scare me sometimes, but I honestly think that you do the best job among all the mods.

Flareth: Actually one of the most improved members at TCODvBv2.0, if not in the whole time I've been at TCOD (since the late IF era).

Dannichu: Seriously, who DOESN'T like you?

Butterfree: Can I have your autograph? *fanboy stare*

Ketsu: Meh, you seem nice.
One of the things that I am thinking is "Where the hell is Xikaze?"

The other is "There's a lot more people now. ._."
I wonder what happened to Xikaze as well, it's been a long time since I lasted talked to him. I don't even know if he's into VW Beetles anymore. @_@;
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