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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What do you want for Christmas/other holidays?

^ oh, well then people shouldn't complain about what they get, because it's better than getting nothing. :/ any gift is thoughtful I say.
Heh, I think giftcards are better than money, really. If someone gets me money, it'll end up getting spent on food or textbooks or the gym or something really, really impersonal.

If it's a book or game giftcard, say, I'd think of the person who gave me the card for it every time I read the book or played the game, so it's a lot more personal. :/

But they're still boring to open and say "I don't know you very well" rather loudly (which, by extention, pretty much says "I'm only getting you a present out of obligation"), don't you think?
Jude Law.

Other than that, not much. Some DVDs and books, maybe. Oh, or some cool clothes. I need a cravat, some suits and a cool jumper. Some nice shoes to go with the clothes would be sweet.
I really want a Wii. Which is good because my parents were going to get a wii for the family this crimbo.
I also want a load of dvd's *achem*:
. Lee Evans BIG tour
.Jimmy Carr: In concert
. Russel Howard Live
. Family Guy season 7
Ugh, gift cards.
They have a 1:1 exchange rate with money just with more limits. Money is sooooo much better. I usually just end up swapping them for my parents' money.

I've also noticed that there are some people in my family who over the course of my life, have only given me £15 for a present. Not that I care much, I don't use money all that much. I just keep it in the back for the interest. -something you can't do with gift cards :(
Extremely grippy and thin bike gloves
Another overcoat(preferably in earth colors or black)
Money for my PS3 funds
Rock Band 2
A 20 inch TV with Freeview, no need for flatscreen or HD.
A new phone, preferably small, no touchscreen and Sony.
A new battery case for my PSP or a USB camera for it. Actually, any application that I can use.
Permission to grow my hair to shoulder/waist length.
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That I don't know I'm already getting? D:

Hm. Well. There are loads of things I want but it doesn't mean I'll ever get them. If I were to list everything I want, I could go on forever.

But for Christmas I shall be satisfied with a couple of DVDs and my best friend coming to stay with me for the holidays.

I know that my parents have bought me the South Park movie in Japanese though. They know me too well. And I kind of hinted that I wanted it. AoA;
And I bought BASEketball, Hot Fuzz and script book for myself as a "christmas present".. haha. x-x
To have the knowledge that i'll be safe that day in my home and the hope that my friend/neighbour might invite me/invite them round.
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