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What do you want to see in the 5th gen?

I'm still waiting for a turtle-fire type starter. And a light type, they have dark type, but not light type, I don't get that.
I'm still waiting for a turtle-fire type starter. And a light type, they have dark type, but not light type, I don't get that.

Read the last page... There is absolutely no logical reason whatsoever for any new types... The only reason seems to be that Dark needs an 'opposite', when effectively Fighting, Psychic or even Normal could be considered such.
NO NEW TYPES. That would throw everything off balance. As said like 5 times before, Steel and Dark were added to balance out Psychic. The types anger me as is...(WHY IS GHOST WEAK TO DARK??? THEY SHOULD BE RESISTANT!!!...I know it's to give the Ghost type more weaknesses. Don't yell at me.)

I'd like a new type triangle for the starters. Fire/Grass/Water is classic, but wearing old. And no, I don't support the Dark/Psychic/Fighting thing.

Ghost needs more powerful moves that have over 80 BP and that aren't named Shadow Force.

Okay, yeah, light type is most likely pointless. I just hope they keep the original strength triangle. What do we have after that? Dark/Psychic/Fighting sucks, and we can't, like use steel/dragon/dragon, because most of the dragons, if not all, are psuedo-legendaries, and steel, really, steel. And I still believe we should have a turtle-looking fire-type starter.
Personally, having two turtles is already enough. While I agree we need a good, defensively inclined fire-type starter (ie my region's line of fire-type whales), think of something original for once.
What do we have after that? Dark/Psychic/Fighting sucks, and we can't, like use steel/dragon/dragon, because most of the dragons, if not all, are psuedo-legendaries, and steel, really, steel.

...dark/fighting/psychic doesn't work anyway; immunity and all that.

There's always Flying/Fighting/Rock. Or Grass/Poison/Ground.
More fire type pokemon.
Longer plotline.
More areas to unlock after the Elite Four.
Some kind of new method of finding pokemon.
More mystery gift events, maybe two plotlines.
There's always Flying/Fighting/Rock. Or Grass/Poison/Ground.

Flying/Fighting/Rock doesn't work because of no pure Flying types, and I'm not keen on the idea of them bringing one in.

Grass/Poison/Ground is logical but Grass has already been used in starters. GAH.
If it's Flying/Normal, it won't resist fighting.

Also, Pokemon is balanced?
And I still believe we should have a turtle-looking fire-type starter.
We already have a fire-typed turtle?

This is actually a fairly cool idea. It'd be awesome if you could mark trainers as your rivals after you've fought them and then they'd appear throughout the game.
What do we have after that? Dark/Psychic/Fighting sucks
It doesn't work, you mean.

I don't see much point in the games suddenly breaking convention and starting a new type triangle; Fire/Water/Grass already have been for four generations, they each have their own elemental special attack, they are more or less equal with their resistances/weaknesses and they are all 'special' types under the old system. If you look at Grass/Poison/Ground, for example, Ground deals super-effective damage to five other types. For Grass, it's three, and for Poison, it's one. Grass and Poison resist four types each, where Ground only resists two. Poison also can't hit Steel, Ground can't hit flying and gets no damage from Electric, and Grass can hit (and be hit by) everything. It's not really balanced, is it? Poison is hugely underpowered, while ground is hugely overpowered. Poison and ground are also 'physical' types where grass is 'special'.

With Water/Fire/Grass, they can all be hit and hit everything, Grass and Water are super-effective to three types each, where Fire is four. Grass and Water also resist four types, where Fire resists five. While this might be all in favour of Fire, keep in mind there are only nine non-legendary non-starter pokemon of the fire type. Fire is also weak to three of the most common types in most of the games (especially Sinnoh): rock, ground and water. There are also no fire-types in the games that are not weak to water. Water is the most plentiful types in the games, and grass is somewhere in the middle. Water is also the most balanced type, where grass and fire both major in special attack and attack.

Water/Fire/Grass actually makes logical sense, too; water puts out fire, fire burns grass, grass absorbs water. Why would ground be super-effective to poison? Why would poison be super-effective to grass (considering that most poisons found in nature are plant-based anyway)? Grass being super-effective to ground doesn't make a lot of sense either; all plants do to ground is grow, they don't absorb dirt like water. Even flying/fighting/rock doesn't really work. I don't see why flying would be super-effective to fighting, and rock being super-effective to flying makes little sense either.

You've got to remember that this is constructed; they didn't accidentally decide to make the starting trio grass/water/fire, it was made that way, and I can't see it changing any time soon.
Nothing. Either this or less Pokemon. Maybe few special ones instead of a whole load of robotic looking ones like we had in the 3rd and 4th generation. Something that would make the game more serious, or give it a serious feel at least. How about a Pokemon game taking place in the past maybe? Where 'fossil' Pokemon are regularly found in grass, along with more Pokemon that supposedly extinct now. Anything different from the previous Pokemon games, and I mean almost-completely different. If not then I'd personally go back for nothing. :P Anything's better then seeing Pokemon completely turning into a franchise right?

What I hope for most is better music, though. GSC was the last Pokemon game to actually have that. New types ofcourse. Water/Fire, grass/steel bla bla.
Nothing. Either this or less Pokemon. Maybe few special ones instead of a whole load of robotic looking ones like we had in the 3rd and 4th generation.

That was, still is a very, very lame excuse of a way to criticize Gen 3 and 4, and the people who say it are still lying. The only 'mons looking robotic are those meant to look robotic. And Gen 1 and 2 isn't free from this either. (*coughMagneLineCough*) But the point stands that gen 3 and 4 does not look like robots.
Sorry for lying.
and criticizing a videogame in a very lame manner. The next time I do it, I'll make sure I do it in the COOLEST way possible. For you.

"The only 'mons looking robotic are those meant to look robotic." To you. to me, many 'mons aren't mean to look like robots, and yet, they still do. Or, many ARE meant to look like robots, and I'm not much of a fan of that.

If you don't like the word robots that much then I have no problem with taking it back. I can use ugly instead.
people are /still/ complaining about "bad" pokemon designs? come on gen 4 has been out since 2006 why is this still a big deal?
people are /still/ complaining about "bad" pokemon designs? come on gen 4 has been out since 2006 why is this still a big deal?

Beats me, I still think that the 1st gen is ugly and boring overall but I don't complain about it like I complain about people who complain. :U
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