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What Games Are You Waiting For?

Eww, why are you reading GameInformer? =/

Looking forward to a Castlevania that doesn't look like God of War. I hate God of War anyway >.>

Blasphemy. God of War is amazing. How can you not like it?

Speaking of which; Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny is on my list.
Blasphemy. God of War is amazing. How can you not like it?

Because I don't find it amazing, I can't stand Greek mythology, and everytime I play I can't help but feel like I'm playing an offshoot of Devil May Cry.

But of course, it's impossible to make an action game that doesn't feel like Devil May Cry, so...

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I totally can't believe I forgot to mention before, but Sakura Taisen V is on my list now. Definitely can't wait for that in November, and I'm totally looking forward to playing it again, this time in English.
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Metroid: Other M looks sexy as hell and well makes up for Nintendo's terrible showing at E3 last year. Apparently we're going to have a flashback of the final battle of Super Metroid...IN GLORIOUS 3D! (BTW, Team Ninja's only handing the 3D and programming; Nintendo won't let them anywhere near the story, so no worries about Metroid becoming DoA or something like that.). I only hope that I'm actually physically capable of playing this. I never got to play any of the Prime games because I succumbed to horrible motion sickness after 15 minutes... ._.

EDIT: Now that I've looked up just what the hell Scribblenauts is, it actually does look pretty damn amazing. Though is it really so much a game as it is a time waster? Time will tell. Still, hard to argue with God fighting Cthulhu with a shotgun...
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Explorers of the Sky, because my partner can be a Shinx, and Soul Silver. :3

I'm also looking forward to Scribblenauts. I've decided to play around a little first.
I'm waiting until I can afford Metroid Prime Trilogy, which I REALLY want. Never played any Metroid games, but the 3D ones look fantastic.

And I guess I'm waiting for Scribblenauts, too~
Scribblenauts and Assassin's Creed 2. I'd quite like to get Mirror's Edge 2 as well but I don't know, I don't want it to be as short as the first one.
You, so why do the characters look 100% different in the cover, eh?

That's what you get for pre-ordering the game. A special cover, and a code to download exclusive Tales of the Abyss costumes for Yuri, Estelle, and Flynn where they dress as Asch, Tear, and Luke respectively.


I personally find Norse to be much more interesting. It's one of the reasons I love Valkyrie Profile so much xD
Definitely Mario & Luigi 3. I don't think it's even possible for Nintendo to make a bad Mario RPG (probably the weakest so far was Super Paper Mario, and even that wasn't actually bad. Just too easy.)

New Super Mario Bros. Wii looks like one I'll be interested in picking up, too; probably the first good Mario sidescroller in ages. The 3D doesn't look completely horrible like it did in the first NSMB, and it's looking like Bowser Jr. won't be in this one (or at least the game won't be so saturated with the little brat this time.) The only problem I have so far is that they have two random Mushroom People as characters. Just one would be fine (SMB2 did it, after all) but TWO? And they don't even look different... they're exactly the same except for the color of their spots. They should have at least made one of them taller than the other, or replaced the yellow one with Toadette, or something like that. Of course, I'll probably be playing as Mario or Luigi most of the time anyway so it's not that much of a problem; just a little bit annoying.

And Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, but mostly for the "multiplayer game with Organization XIII" part. The only other good KH game was portable, so unless they really screw something up it should at least be fun to play for a while.

Probably half a dozen more (and would be even more than that if I had systems other than DS and Wii), but these are the ones I'm most likely to actually get sometime in the future.
In addition to Tekkaman Blade, the new characters supposedly going to be announced for Ultimate All Stars has me wanting to rebuy Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Frank West, I could care less for, Zero, awesome. Just wanna know which version. Joe the Condor shoulda been in it before, but Yatterman #2! Fuck! Yeah! Awesome!
The only problem I have so far is that they have two random Mushroom People as characters. Just one would be fine (SMB2 did it, after all) but TWO? And they don't even look different... they're exactly the same except for the color of their spots.

I know... They could have replaced one with Peach, Wario or Waluigi(except that Waluigi will never be playable in other stuff that the spin-offs in a million years).

On-topic: Scribblenauts.
Now that a release date has been announced, I'll say it again:


Feb. 9, 2010 is going to be the day I go into hiding and play this game like there's no tomorrow. Maybe I won't go to school the next day like I did with Brawl =P
Not to mention this is great filler as a wait for HG.
Project Needlemouse.

This...this could be it, guys. I know I'm probably being too optimistic here, but this could be the game that saves Sonic. It's got the old-school Sonic logo, it's got the old school Sega logo. Hell, even the animation sort of looks like something from Sonic's heyday. And there's no sign of werehogs, swordplay, Silver, Shadow, or anything. The creator even stated that this one is inspired not only by the Genesis games, but the Day stages of Unleashed.

I can only hope they're not psyching us out again like Sonic '06, but I really do think they've finally learned their lesson.
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