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What Games Are You Waiting For?

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - no question about it, that is the game I am most excited about.

thanks for that visual aid I wasn't sure which super mario galaxy you were talking about

meanwhile I am eagerly awaiting l4d2 to disappoint me, waiting for Modern Warfare 2 to make me giggle like a school girl, and considering buying Dreamkiller when it comes out later this month
BRUTAL LEGEND it is brutal. Wait, let me go find some umlauts. ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
I think that super mario galaxy 2 will be the most awesome! I am also looking forward to super mario bros. wii and the new monster hunter game for the wii, it looks to be awesome, I also want redsteel 2 that looks good.
It's not going to come out for a while, but definitely this.

It's kinda like Kingdom Hearts. Only creepier, and replacing FF characters with creepy robots and Oswald the Lucky (and demented) Rabbit and his many, many children.
I know I've said it a bajillion times, but I as the release day looms in even closer, I definitely can't wait for Tales of Graces.

Also definitely can't wait for FF Crystal Chronicles The Crystal Bearers, Samurai Warriors 3, TvC Ultimate All Stars, the newest Generation of Chaos (Record of Agarest War), or Super Robot Taisen NEO.

Also waiting for the localization of 0 Cho Aniki, Muscle Brothers, and the next Kenka Banchou.
Whoa, Epic Mickey actually looks... epic. Something I should check out when it comes out.

Preferably when the little brother's away. This'd turn him off Disney for good, most likely.
Golden Sun DS and Ace Attorney Investigations. Haven't really looked at Tales of Graces but will probably at least investigate it. NSMB2, although that's really just because I want the menu update, don't trust my Wii with my internet connection and don't know which other games will come with the update (plenty of them will, I'm sure, but eh). I'll probably rent it first for the update, and might buy later it if it's really as great as everyone seems to be expecting. Eh.

Maybe also the Silent Hill remake for Wii. I've never been big on horror-superviolent-stuff because it doesn't scare me at all and so isn't usually worth getting grossed out over, but the Silent Hill series looks really interesting and I want to try it. We'll see.

That Epic Mickey thing actually looks sort of cool. I didn't realize anyone today over the age of maybe sixty, save for me because I'm lame, even knew who Oswald was, and badass Oswald sounds fun.
Ace Attorney Investigations, Heartgold and Soulsilver, Epic Mickey, and though these games are already out, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (At least I think it's out...)
Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2 are on the top of my list. Mass Effect 2, is the one i'm really excited about.
Lost in Shadow is looking pretty good right now, as is N3--2. Also in for that attempt at semi steampunk sorta vibe I get from Spirit Tracks, Super Robot Wars on the Wii looks great.

Also; do want that Tales... style Sgt. Frog RPG Namco announced a few weeks ago...
So, I've pretty fulfilled a lot of my shooting needs on the PS3, so I'm ready for some RPGs. I'm really pumped for White Knight Story, Resonance of Fate, Last Guardian, Magnacarta II and a Tales of Vesperia on the PS3, if they ever release it in America. I also can't wait for the new G/S remakes, I've never played that region before.

And I hope they hurry up and announce P5. D:
So, I've pretty fulfilled a lot of my shooting needs on the PS3, so I'm ready for some RPGs. I'm really pumped for White Knight Story, Resonance of Fate, Last Guardian, Magnacarta II and a Tales of Vesperia on the PS3, if they ever release it in America. I also can't wait for the new G/S remakes, I've never played that region before.

And I hope they hurry up and announce P5. D:

Magna Carta 2's awesome. The guy's don't look like women anymore =D
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
Green Day Rock Band
Pirates of the Carribean: Armada of the Damned
Why SoulSilver of course! Or I'm waiting till' I get a few more bucks, then I will download an art course (Yes, I'm a bad artist) to my Dsi.
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