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Besides the Togepi thing above^ It is also male because of the tail, a female has a heart shaped like thing for its tail, and male is just normal
Probably male, though he acts very feminine.
The idea of Pikachu being female just seems... wrong.
I've always thought of Pikachu as a dude ever since I started watching the show..
Pikachu has struck me as male, but his voice is high pitched.
He's a male. It doesn't seem right for him to be a girl.
I consider it male, it's always been that to me, and always will.
Male. I have no idea how he could even be remotely thoguht of as female!
Ash's Pikachu definitely isn't the most masculine pokemon ever - but it is male
I say male....it just makes more sense to me that way...
It's probably male because of its fierce personality. I could never imagine Pikachu as a girl. If it was, I'd never think of Pokemon TV shows the same.
Male = default.