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oh, you're sooo lucky!! i've always wanted a shiny lugia!! but a shiny ho-oh looks really cool too!!i have a shiny regigigas, rayquaza, and groudon. i caught all of them myself!!:sunglasses:
*gasps* you have a shiny ho-oh too? i've always wanted a shiny ho-oh!! even more than a shiny lugia!! it's my dream to have one!!!ha i have a shiny ho-ohit makes me happy
*gasps* you have a shiny ho-oh too? i've always wanted a shiny ho-oh!! even more than a shiny lugia!! it's my dream to have one!!!but sadly, i didn't know this when i was catching ho-oh and lugia in my pokemon emerald version so i didn't get them shiny.:sad:
cool.:sunglasses: you know, i actually might do that because i reaallly like shiny pokemon and because i need another pokemon diamond or pearl game so that i trade pokemon to it and then they can evolve. none of my friends (or the people that live around where i live) like pokemon so it's really hard to get pokemon that only evolve when traded or other shiny pokemon.yes try buying a used diamond or pearl game my cousin did and has like a billion shinies and legendarys you can only get with cheating she gave me darkrai!
yeah, i guess you're right.:sweatdrop: it's a wonder why all the legendary pokemon in the pokemon world haven't gone on a huge rampage and killed everyone...:sweatdrop: but my favorite legendary is still lugia. it's just so cool!!Zapdos, Raikou, and Celebi. There haven't been any cool legendaries since GSC, and there are waay too many now. Seriously, how many Poke-gods can a single world have?