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What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

I liek mudkipz. (:
But really, ever since I first picked up my DS with pokemon ruby in it and saw my choice of starters, I'm like: OMGZ I WANT MUDKIP.
So now I'm attached to it. :D
I'm just gonna say Lanturn. I mean, it's an angler fish, yeah. Angler fish are ugly. But Lanturn's still pretty cute. (And it's not bad in a battle, either!)
I think it's probably because it doesn't have fangs and isn't some nasty gnarly brown thing.
what how I have I not posted in here yet

I like loads of pokemon but my favouritest ever alternates between Teddiursa, Gligar, Spheal and Gastrodon
tis Teddiursa at the moment :D
I love Raichu and Jigglypuff, but since R/S/E my most favorite Pokemon ever, is Roselia. She's the perfect feminine grass Pokemon! (No offense to the male Roselias, lol) And to make it even better, the shiny form is purple!

I really don't know how to explain it, I've been a fan of Ivysaur ever since R/B/Y. He's just...cool.
Ugh. This is hard to say.
My first ever pokemon love was Charizard, but now it's starting to wear on me...
I say...
Mewtwo. (Because of the nerdy wimp human character I made of it. D:)
My favourites in order:

Aggron is my favourite cause he eats steel, and could probably crush your skull with a flick.

Yeah, I like the mean and menacing looking pokemon. :3
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Mine's Mewtwo. Has been since...'01, I think? Probably even longer, but at least since then. It's been pretty steady, too--I went through an Umbreon phase for a couple of months once, same with Meowth, but after a while I got kind of bored of both of them and Mewtwo regained his spot.

...I even have a six-inch-tall Mewtwo sticker stuck to the front door under the deadbolt. (And I always laugh whenever I see a crooked bumper sticker because I was eleven when I stuck that sticker there and it's perfectly straight.)
That's a tough question, considering it's only ONE out of so many. On my side it's like a tie between three of them, I don't think I could really choose one. But yeah, Smeargle, Miltank and Lugia. :c

Though if it's really just one, I'd go with lugia cause I've fanboyed ridiculously more over that one than the two others.
Either Charmander, Charizard, Gyarados, any of the Dragon-Types(especially Dratini or Salamence), Absol, Shinx, Luxray, Lucario, Dialga, or Giratina.
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