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What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

I got Ruby when I was 5 or 6. It took me like 2 weeks to get out of the town above Littleroot, I think it's called Oldale Town or something, anyway I hadn't seen the little exit to the left. Oops.
My first starter was Treecko, but after I beat the game I restarted it, got a Blaziken, and never restarted again. Well, on Ruby. I can't even tell you how many times I restarted my LeafGreen.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

I got really lazy and I did MissingNo. All the time, but then Team Rocket showed up instead and my game crashed D:
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Yellow <3

I also had the special Pokemon Edition Gameboy Color.

Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Pokemon Red version when I was 8 years old. Choose Charmander, still likes the games 12 years later B)
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

I got really lazy and I did MissingNo. All the time, but then Team Rocket showed up instead and my game crashed D:

Never got around to doing any glitches. Mostly because the farthest I ever got was Mt. Moon. :P
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

My first was Blue, back when I was like 12. I couldn't stop playing it and went through many, many batteries for my GBC.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

My first game I owned was Sapphire but the first game I played would be Pokemon Stadium.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Fire Red was mine. I still have that Charizard from my first playthrough, now at level 100 :3
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Diamond. It was also my first game, surprisingly.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

The first game I played was Pokemon Gold. Caught me a shiny Weedle. Named it Sparkle. Then my troll sister restarted the game.

Of course, that was her game. The first game I owned was Leafgreen. Raised Charizard o Level 100 and transferred it to Heartgold. Also caught a shiny Unown (Accidental because I wanted the "?" unown. Weirdly enough, the shiny was an "A".) and Shiny Eggcecute (Safari Zone) in LG.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

The first game I played was Pokemon Gold. Caught me a shiny Weedle. Named it Sparkle. Then my troll sister restarted the game.

Of course, that was her game. The first game I owned was Leafgreen. Raised Charizard o Level 100 and transferred it to Heartgold. Also caught a shiny Unown (Accidental because I wanted the "?" unown. Weirdly enough, the shiny was an "A".) and Shiny Eggcecute (Safari Zone) in LG.

You are the the luckiest person ever when it comes to shinies :o
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Ironiclly, I never got a shiny in my Pokemon White yet. Too busy getting the Pokedex filled up...

The game after my Leafgreen was my Red Rescue Team. Was a Charmander, partner was Chikorita. Two of my favorate starters. X3!

After that was Sapphire, which was used. Since someone had done something to it, it wouldn't let me do the roulette in the game corner or give my Pokemon Pokeblocks. The game would just freeze. Other than that, went normally.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

In order I got: Leafgreen, Diamond(first beaten, lost), Explorers of Sky, SoulSilver, White. I have never seen a shiny ever. It's not like I'm actually hunting though. Too busy training my Glaceon, Blaziken, and Braviary. And getting my Serperior to lv 100.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

My first game was Yellow. Fun fact: that is the only game in the main franchise that I haven't beaten. :P
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