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What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Ohgod reading how you guys were like 4-5 years old or whatever when you got your first games makes me feel old. D;

Same here lol, except mine was good 'ol blue. I think I got it when I was like eight or nine, not sure.

I got it around the time I got my Gameboy Pocket, instead of the classic brick Gameboy that I had. I still have that Gameboy Pocket.... somewhere....
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

As much as I hate to say it, Leafgreen. Then I moved on to Emerald, then Firered, Ruby, Gold ((Doesn't save)), Silver ((Works!)), Blue, Red, Yellow, another Leafgreen ((different cartridge)), Diamond, Platinum, Heartgold.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Blue! Then, Silver, then Yellow, Ruby, Emerald, LeafGreen, and then finally Pearl, Plat and now SoulSilver!
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

I started with FireRed. I chose it over LeafGreen cos Charizard looked better. Then dungeon, crystal, diamond, dungeon 2, platinum, red and now soul silver. Kindda irregular eh?
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Mine was PMD Sky, then SS, D & Pt. In that order.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

My first ever version was pokemon blue my grandma bought it for me. Thought I was going hto hate it becouse the anime was so kiddyish, well at lest the english dub made it as so.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Silver. Got it Christmas 2000, I was... 8, I think. I would've gotten Gold, but the Silver came along with an awesome blue Gameboy Color (it was a package deal, see. A whole package that came with a Pokemon game, a Gameboy Color, and a guide) and the Gold had an ugly neon green GBC. So that's what I chose.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Blue, for the brick-style Gameboy. I started with Charmander.

Beat the game for the first time with the lamest team ever:

Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

RBY were my first games. They were enjoyable, and I had so much fun with them that I would constantly restart the game and play from the begining OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. :D I never got past the Elite 4 doing that. Scratch that. I never got to the Elite 4. Never. My last town until I restarted was Lavender Town, if I remember correctly.
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Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Red/Blue/Yellow were my first games. They were enjoyable,and I had so much fun with them that I would constantly restart the game and play from the begining OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. :D I never got past the Elite 4 doing that. xD Scratch that. I never GOT to the Elite 4,lmao.
Scratch, the same applies with me for PMD Sky.

I now also declare that PMD Red is awesome and the PMD 2 series is rather lame now.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

what MD2 is so much better ;~; that's an almost universal opinion

PMD 1 makes a whole lot of sense, first off. How is the plot loose, in fact? How can you not know what to do when there is no plot part to beat? Everyday, the Pelipper puts mail into the box, you read the mail, take any jobs, no jobs, go to the Bulletin Board. The dream function makes a lot of sense - PMD 2's lame "Dimensional Scream" does not. It's a seriously stupid plot device, it's just a gimmick stuffed in so you can progress the plot. It happens in such random places, in fact, first off. And, how, exactly, does the player acquire this strange ability? What makes it function differently in the past and future? If it was really set in a PMD world, how did the player (as a human) meet up with Grovyle? PMD worlds are supposed to have only Pokemon, not Pokemon and humans. Was it another strange case of "an accident?" The beginning scene made it seem like the player was falling off some ship. If the player came to the PMD world as a human, why did the game not give a backstory on it? Back to PMD 1, it says like the player had a special psychic power, enabling them to enter the PMD world as a Pokemon. It said it as if the calamities in the PMD world also affected the human world. That makes sense. With his/her psychic powers, the player returns to the human world, but for the love/friendship of his/her partner, returns to be with them. Makes sense. When the partner says, "quit hogging the spotlight" in a polite way and heads off for a Friend Area, IT MAKES SENSE. The partner is tired of the role, and thinks you're tired of it too. How can you actually complain about PMD 1's plot LOOSE when it isn't, really? PMD 2 has a horrible concept, hardly any backstory: PMD Sky fixed this slightly with Special Episodes, but what about the major backstory: how did the player meet up with Grovyle in the first place? How do you form a Dimensional Hole? If Dialga's powers were weakened in the future (via the Roar of Time), how could he make a Dimensional Hole? If Temporal Tower has sustained damage, but not collasped, how was Dialga already Primal? Grovyle apparently said, in an implicit way, that if Temporal Tower collasped, Dialga would become Primal. Where is the Hidden Land? Gap of time. Where is the Spacial Rift? GAP OF SPACE. Dialga and Palkia are supposed to be rivals: shouldn't the Spacial Rift be in a completely different place, as apposed to a gap? How does some deity put a LAND in a GAP? For goodness sake, it makes NO DAMN SENSE! Sure, Dialga and Palkia control space and time. BUT IF TEMPORAL TOWER WAS COLLAPSING, WHY DIDN'T DIALGA GO BACK IN TIME AND STOP DARKRAI? If Palkia controls space, why not fix Darkrai's spacial disortion? If Jirachi granted Bidoof's wish, DID HE CAUSE THE ACTUAL EVENTS OF THE GAME? OH YES HE DID. IN AN IMPLICIT WAY! See, PMD 2 puts things in such a hidden way they make hardly any sense if you exploit them! PMD 1 made a lot of sense! The sense makes a huge difference! Rant rant ramble ramble rant etc.!!

My point is, why do people think PMD 1 is screwed and PMD 2 isn't? PMD 1 is LOVE, PMD 2 is nonsensical. END OF STORY.

And this is offtopic. Screwed goddamn. *cough* Ignore *cough*
Recently got HG: blows SS out of the ditch, but SS is still better. It has Meowth and Skamory!
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Like this, and like this. But I'm not going to argue, because it's a shitty thing to be arguing over.
So quick a reply - such a short post - did you even read what I said?
I'm not going over Butterfree's opinion. The battle system is just the same as the main series games; I'm not even going to discuss it.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Yellow, not long after I got into pokemon in the 7th grade, 2001, my best friend started showing me her Yellow pokemon game and I got excited. So I begged my mom to get it for me too(along with the gameboy), and she did.
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