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What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

My first game was Fire Red. I got it after reading about it in a magazine, I think.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

It was Crystal for me~ And I continue to love my lv. 100 starter of that game, Feraligatr. xD
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Sapphire was the first game I played seriously, though I also have a copy of Red that can't save.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Gold crystal yellow blue and red.(got the all at the sames time for 50 cents apeice)
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Red version. Back when the video game section at TRU was an aisle full of pictures of box art, and you had to get the ticket for the game you wanted and bring it to the service desk. :]
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Red, in '99, I learned how to read from playing it! I loved my Venasaur... And my Nidoking...
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Pokemon Pinball R/S. I practically memorized the Hoenn Pokedex with that, so that by the time I was brave enough to step into Hoenn (I have difficulties with new games) I knew every single one.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Fire Red, but I didn't get into it until Emerald (a year after I lost Fire Red).
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Blue, followed by Ruby and then Gold. I went out of order.

Gold turned out to be my "delete save file whenever you get bored" game.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Blue, but by the time I got it, Gold and Silver were almost out. It took a while for me to catch up.
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Blue, my cousin gave it to me when i was like 6. Of course, my starter was Squirtle.
Re: What was your first ever Pok?mon game?

Red, I somehow got it, I think at school in 5th grade. I may have traded another game for it. Those were the years...
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Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

Did I not post here?

My first game I played was Blue, but that was owned by a dentist.

My first game I owned was Sapphire. I keep saying it's Emerald, but I finally remembered. I bought a Sapphire, but I thought it didn't work for some reason after using it for only a day or two, so I went to a Game Crazy shop. I was going to switch it for another Sapphire, but they didn't have me, and the only other Gen 3 Pokémon game they had... was Emerald. ;)
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

My first was Yellow! I got when I was five for Christmas in '00 along with one of those talking Pikachu toys and a Gameboy advance! Sadly my yellow was destroyed in a freak apple juice spill accident. ;_;
Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game?

My brother owned Blue and let me play it every once in a while, but the first one I actually owned by myself was Ruby. And then I lost it somewhere - it was either stolen by my cousin Hayden or lost at ballet practice D':. I remember starting out with a female Treecko, which I properly named Green...
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