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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What's your New Year's Resolution?


-Survive through spanish class
-Don't get into a fight with my ex-best friend (as in one-on-one)
-Try to be more mature (inner self saying: "HAHAHAHAHAHAA...That's impossible.")
- Try and get a boyfriend.

My list of impossibles. (As in the third one.)
resolutions aren't dumb, for some people they help keep up the will needed in order to achieve certain goals that they wouldn't find enough motivation throughout the year (you know, like people who have jobs and families and work for a living and such)

anyway, i am to get fitter.
-Lose weight
-Catch up on my homework and study
-Actually study
-Finish one of my three incomplete novels
-Win a writing competition
-Do reasonably well in the debating knockouts
-Finish writing and film my musical

Hopefully I'll get them all done.
man this list is FULL OF FUN

I generally find that not making arbitrary rules for no reason makes me happier!
they're not arbitrary, they're shortcomings which I think I need to improve on. I thought self-improvement was generally agreed to be a Good Thing.

and it's fun because it's interesting to compare notes and talk about resolutions, rather than be a special snowflake. :3
Not being a procrasinator is something that I definitely need to work on, since I hardly ever finish obligatory projects or art pieces and I wait until the last minute on stuff that I have to do.

Otherwise, I'm going to try to be a bit more upbeat and helpful. :D
I'd love to stop procrastinating, but that's been a resolution of mine for the last five years, so...go figure.

Keep up with releases I want, rather than play catch-up into next year. And in order to help me afford that goal...

Get a job. I'm turning 16 this year, so I can and I will.

Be more organized. Yeah right olol.
they're not arbitrary, they're shortcomings which I think I need to improve on. I thought self-improvement was generally agreed to be a Good Thing.

and it's fun because it's interesting to compare notes and talk about resolutions, rather than be a special snowflake. :3

I'm not being a 'special snowflake'. I just don't find that telling myself I'll do something at a certain time of the year makes it any more likely that I'm actually going to accomplish it. If I'm going to do something, then I will regardless of whether I made a resolution or not.
-To be a better friend (my dad keeps hinting that I'm not such a good one, which I already know)
-To not fail anything
-To crush on someone who actually has a chance of liking me back graaaaaaaah

Adding "stop being an emotional wreck" to this list because it needs to be done
Well, FIRST I decided not to have any, seeing how I didn't do any of my last year's resolutions.

Then, I decided for only one that I actually could be able to fulfill.

-Draw more. Draw much more.

- Do more animating
- Finish writing stuff
- Not letting my autisim change anything
- Not to explode on Wednesdays. OH SNAP- oh wait, it's Friday :P EXPLOSION! Wednesday fail
- Ummm...
- and PDBAZ

And if you got those references, awesome
Let's see I haven't thought of these before now...

1. Not dying is always a good one
2. Kill procrastination
3. Keep in touch with old friends (harder than it sounds for sure)
4. Keep up with my writing (I haven't thought of the specs yet)
5. I was adopted so I've been trying to contact someone from my family for a long time, so continue that.
6. Read more, this past year I've been lazy with the reading.
If you do this every year then your tombstone will say "failed to achieve at least one new year's resolution"

Do you really want that?

*laughs* Yes! Unless of course in my final year I knew was my final year so I predicted that I'd and it said "I achieved my New Years Resolution!"
-To crush on someone who actually has a chance of liking me back graaaaaaaah

Strangely enough, I not only seem to have gotten this less than an hour into 2011, but I think I might have gone one step further than that.

(I'll post about why tomorrow :D)
Congratulations! If you live in GMT, you have just crossed into 2011!

Wooooo! *puts on party hat*
...Wait what that was posted at 1am :|

Strangely enough, I not only seem to have gotten this less than an hour into 2011, but I think I might have gone one step further than that.

(I'll post about why tomorrow :D)

Oh god the suspense! I'm so happy for you :)

My New New Year's Resolution is to enjoy life, because I've not been doing enough of it lately.
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