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Which skin/style do you use?

What skin do you use?

  • vBulletin

    Votes: 7 5.0%
  • Minimal Dewgong

    Votes: 42 29.8%
  • Axe Murderer

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Roar of Time

    Votes: 72 51.1%

  • Total voters
I use Axe-murderer style. It was the style that the site was in when I first started visiting a few years back, and I still use it, mostly because I'm used to it.
vbulletin style here, as far as default styles go it's kinda tolerable (well, beats phpbb3's by a long shot at least) and I'm familiar with it
Minimal Dewgong~

I don't like dark styles. At all. Also, Vbulletin is just so boring and defaulty.

...And Articuno Snowflake style will be the second to last to return. D:

I guess ol' Dewgong and I are going to be sticking together for a long time.
Even though I don't like the... murderous aspect of it, I'm using Axe-Murderer right now.
Black, greys and whites have always been easier on the eyes for me as far as skins are concerned.

My dream is to find a site with a green or orange skin that does this. XD
Butterfree said:
Bright red is not a good primary color for layouts of any sort.

It wouldn't have to necessarily be bright red as the primary colour - you could always use dark brown, maroon, or dark red as a background, and only use red as your main header thingy. Although I guess we already have Hellfire to bring back (which is awesome).

Anyway, I use Roar of Time. I love the ripply-blue-stuff that's in the Quick Reply box. :3
Minimal Dewgong~

I don't like dark styles. At all. Also, Vbulletin is just so boring and defaulty.

...And Articuno Snowflake style will be the second to last to return. D:

I guess ol' Dewgong and I are going to be sticking together for a long time.

I agree here. I use Dewgong because the black hurts my eyes, and I don't like vBulletin style. I didn't even know that existed until recently, when I tried RoT for the first time.

I'm planning on switching to Bouncy Mew or Articuno Snowflake after it comes out. Or maybe Spectrum, if that comes out first.
I use Roar of Time. It's so beautiful. Plus it goes great with my Opera theme. I'm looking forward to the return of Voice of the Forest too.
I use Minimal Dewgong, although I usually dislike white themes. Roar of Time is good in concept, but I was quite disappointed to see the outcome of it... Butterfree's gotten us used to much better ;\
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