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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Words you like to say.

Paradoxically, sporadically, throat, rainbow, moonlight, enigma, tweak, oddment, blubber, twit.

All I can think of right now.

For example, hi-zerz! :D

I know. It's a made-up word.

So is this one:

I have a habit of incorrectly correcting people's grammar. (people being my parents)
Every time one of says should've/could've/etc. I say "Yeah, should of/could of!" same goes for "Yeah, try and!". It annoys them quite a bit
But sometimes I actually do correct their grammar, but only when it's some rule that nobody cares about anyway.

I also like to say words that begin with an m with an n, and visa versa (naybe, mintendo, etc.)

I make up my own words, like the past tense of jump and chew being jamp and chow, or the plural of horse being hice.

If you're just talking about single words I like to say, then perturbed and sleeve are the only ones I can think of. of which I can think.


I like my Latin, thank you very much.
This too. That's one of the few words I actually remember straight away.
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The French word for log (which I don't know how to spell)

Aputex (created by a friend of mine)



It's fun to make up words~
Translation: "Neither...nor..."
Traslation: "Alas!"

I like my Latin, thank you very much.

It's pronounced "zāogāo" and it means "oh no" in Chinese. It's very fun to say.
I overuse "basically" so much that the word is practically devalued. I have also developed a disturbing habit of replying to people with "TRULY?!" in a completely non-ironic way.
I've forgotten a lot of great words, but I like to say "wazzock" or "spoon" to refer to an idiotic person.

Though German has a few good ones, like "Eichhornchen" (squirrel) and "Schmetterling" (butterfly).

... It was my resolution this year to say it almost every day. And I did. But only on the internet. I don't like actually talking much.

Also, "something". Or something. Something like that.
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