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Would you rename a type?

Drifloon Rocks

Honey, please don't eat the rancid dung.
Personally, I would rename a few of the types for various reasons.

Grass- Plant
Grass is only one kind of plant. I think Plant-type makes more sense.

Steel- Metal
As with Grass, Steel is only one kind of metal, and there are many Pokemon that are Steel-type, but based on another metal, such as Bronzor, the Bronze Pokemon.

Ghost- Spirit
Okay, so this one's a little sketchy. I just think it would make a little more sense seeing as Ghosts are dead, but spirits aren't necessarily.

???- Unknown
I just think a word makes more sense as a type name than punctuation.
The only one I might consider is changing electric into lightning. It's that way in the TCG (same with steel and metal), and it rolls off my tongue a little better.
Well, if I had the ability to change these names, I wouldn't since they have been the same types for a long time. I just think that these names would make more sense.
I'd prolly change Flying to Air.

And if I could think of something better than "Normal," I'd change that to. Normal sucks...
yep, I agree with Gooberdued, Flying should be air, grass should be plant, Steel should be metal. It fits with fire, water, and psychic and the other types that I can't bring to mind.
i don't like 'bug' for two reasons:

1. it reinforces the idea that land-based arthropods are inferior to other animals by clumping the corresponding pokemon together (excluding Drapion and probably something else) under a name used to antagonize real ones. what i'm saying is that mammals and reptiles can be any type they want, but insects, arachnids, myriapods and things-you-don't-know-what-are apparently have to be segregated as being "icky bugs".

2. "bug", besides being slang for any land-based arthropod, is the common name for hemipterids, which are just one order out of a good portion of an entire phylum. in other terms, imagine if most vertebrates (including reptiles and fish) were lumped together and called "rodents".

sadly, i can't think of a better term that flows off the tongue.
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Flying -> Wind and Ground -> Earth.
I honestly hate those two because they're so simplistic and childish. I mean, kids also know what Earth and Wind are but they sound so much more sophisticated.
I don't think Flying should be renamed to Air or Wind because they can't control the wind, they just have limbs that can manipulate it.

I'd change Normal to Boring, because I can say so, plus I don't think changing it to Mammal would work because of Normal/Flying types being mostly birds. Neutral implies no strenghts or weaknesses, even though Normal does.

Ground shouldn't be changed to Earth because it discriminates against other planets.

Otherwise, I'd agree with Drifloon Rocks for the type renames he staded except for ???, because Unknown would be too long to spell, and I'm not sure that it would fit.
i don't like 'bug' for two reasons:

1. it reinforces the idea that land-based arthropods are inferior to other animals by clumping the corresponding pokemon together (excluding Drapion and probably something else) under a name used to antagonize real ones. what i'm saying is that mammals and reptiles can be any type they want, but insects, arachnids, myriapods and things-you-don't-know-what-are apparently have to be segregated as being "icky bugs".

2. "bug", besides being slang for any land-based arthropod, is the common name for hemipterids, which are just one order out of a good portion of an entire phylum. in other terms, imagine if most vertebrates (including reptiles and fish) were lumped together and called "rodents".

sadly, i can't think of a better term that flows off the tongue.
You really thought that through, didn't you?
i don't like 'bug' for two reasons:

1. it reinforces the idea that land-based arthropods are inferior to other animals by clumping the corresponding pokemon together (excluding Drapion and probably something else) under a name used to antagonize real ones. what i'm saying is that mammals and reptiles can be any type they want, but insects, arachnids, myriapods and things-you-don't-know-what-are apparently have to be segregated as being "icky bugs".

2. "bug", besides being slang for any land-based arthropod, is the common name for hemipterids, which are just one order out of a good portion of an entire phylum. in other terms, imagine if most vertebrates (including reptiles and fish) were lumped together and called "rodents".

sadly, i can't think of a better term that flows off the tongue.

Yeah, but, you know, DRAGON and GHOST and sort of FLYING are the same: describing characteristics rather than element.

But I would change Steel to Metal. In a heartbeat.
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