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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Write with a body part

Final Destination-
Tongue: FInmal; deesrination
Fingers: All your base are belong to us
Nose: all your base are belong to us
Chin: all youjr bzse adsd b ed,long to us
Toes: All your base are be3long to usa
Elbow: zall youjrf asse azrfde bde,.lk nbvg gtlo jhuzx
Fingers: All Your Calcobrena Are Belong To Us
Nose: All your calcobrena are belong to us
Toes: aall yourf calcobgreenmsa are bbbel9nht tto0 us

"I don't even."

Nose: 9dohj[]65 b4efgehj
Tongue:i do /g dvd n
Forehead: jhun =[-huyj46

...i suck.
Monkey eats sharks

Nose: j umlk0 imd3shgbbbbbvb xe3qqqgqwbwyhqar4ci kmwq
Chin: nlo; mk,dhb edrzzsggtysd zxhzafrkm,xs
Toes:monkeys eratgs shbafrks

Wow. I fail :D
Irish wristwatch.

Nose: Irish wrisdtwatchg
Tongue: Irishb wristwtch
Toes: ireiisyh wristwatcch
Elbows: iedrish werisatwqatcxh

Now here's the rub: How do you know if I ACTUALLY used those body parts or not???
I was actually wondering who would be the first to post with their genitalsOkay, I'll do this.

Fingers: I have no clue what to type.

Wrists: I hzacvde nik dc xl,ujerd whggat tghol tygfyuh7;p0-[eds.


Head: uj7y ghytb2fcr3w2e hjn iikj v fdrcek yt67hge4frfc2qghwatrf5g vbrt5f4u 8v fg r45er5tf4gke3wlk

Toes: I havge4 no cclou e what to0 ytpel (not too bad...)

Heels: I haqvwe o cfdlouew3 bw2323hq (somehow I managed to accidentally submit the post mid-sentence, so...I'll just leave it at that. :P)

Nose: I have no clue wha to type. (CRAP, I MISSED ONE LETTER! D<)

Blinded: I hgace ni cluye wgar ri rtow.

Everyone else seems to be so good at blinded. :/

That was fun. 8D
Seconded, but I can haz Larry was watching. :P

Irish wristwatch

Heels: ioutreiuodsh wetristswatcjhb
Blind-folded: irish wristwatch (Yay! I actually touch-typed!)
(On another forum with the same game someone did use their genitalia)

I am a banana


Edit: While in the midst of typing it with my nose, I somehow posted it. This shows how bad of a nose typist I am.
This is actually writing, not typing. This will be weird.

Hands: Ice cream.

Nose: ICf {nEoV/

Mouth: Ice Creon

Heels: \cF C/i:v

Cock: /[f c<ern\ What, I was tempted!

Tongue: mudkips. (and if I get sick from licking my keyboard I'm blaming you guys!)
Feet: Mudkioos.
Elbows: udkipsd.
Nose: ki7ei89-0wl (lol fail)
Blindfolded: Mudkips.
Knuckles: Mudkiipe.
My avatar has no teeth.
Knuckles (right hand): myasvstar has nok retteeth
Nose: k7 qfgq6q5 huyqw vjnno9 vte3weth (??)
Tongue: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy avt\r hhax k ttddfb (???) (now my keyboard is all covered in saliva)
My finger (flicking keys): km,y avatar jas no teerth (reasonably English)
Oh, and blindfolded: My avatar has no teeth (I DID IT... YAY!)
Last edited:
Gamzee has run out of blue and isnt willing to use purple.
(I will use Caps Lock instead of Shift now)
Nose: GTamzee has run nout of blue and isnt willing to use pourple.
Tongue: gamzee has run out of blue and isnt willing to use puurple.
Normal with my eyes closed: Gamzee has tub out of vlur and isnt wollibg to use putple.
Chin: GVFBam nee hgaY crhjuzn b bkhjugtf vklf vbv lkuhjz aqnbdx ujsb ntrfg wsilklkinbgvf vtfgoi vuzhjsaew voluzrpolke.,
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (Keep in mind that for some challenges I can't use the Shift key. Expect a lot of h instead of H and / instead of ?.

Hands (Blinded): How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (I DID IT! Keyboarding class was so worth it.)
Thumbs (Really fast): How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if na woodchiuck could chuckn wood? (AHH! So close!)
Knuckles: how m uch wood could a woodchuckcchuck if a woodc hujck ccould chuck wood?> (Getting progressively worse...)
Fists: JHioew mju ch sgtftrewllde cluld a wpopdchjiuckv dchguydkc if q cwoodchuck ciuld chucik nws9ood? (What the...)
Nose: how much wood could av woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood/ (That was so close!)
Tongue: how much could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood/ (YES! Success!)
Elbows: nf \\LOW mjcnh wkkld could a woodchucck chuck if adfg woodchuck coulhd chuck wsood>? (Not bad.)
Heels: HYUJJUow mmucchyde woiiood vdoouykjee aq woodchuck xchggu8ckk ifd a w2ooodechyucfkk vcoulded cxhuck wooode? (I got a word! Yes!)
My computer mouse: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck oo/ (Dang it! Right there, too!)
Ketchup: howe much woood coulkd a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood/ (Pretty good.)
Underpants: how much wood couylkd a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood/ (Great! And I now own the world's first typing underwear.)
Cat: lhjklvfvcnms.hhkjlhykgffopofrgjklfasf;vfvcjappjkfjhhdfjhdwekfkww (Stupid cat...)
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