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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You are [x belief system]. Your significant other is [y belief system].

Would you convert to your significant other's religion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 54 85.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 9 14.3%

  • Total voters
Of course not! It shouldn't matter to them what my religious beliefs are, unless we're getting married I guess* so I just wouldn't really mention it.

*We're not doing it in a church man

ETA: Besides, I don't think it's really anybody's business to intervene in what you believe in :x If my partner was a hardcore Protestant my mum would kill the poor man it shouldn't really matter to me because I fell in love with everything about him, including his religion. I guess. Something silly like that.
Definitely not, excluding unrelated decisions to convert, and I wouldn't expect them to convert away. Unless e was a Scientologist, but then there are other problems.
surskitty's post pretty much.

I would not convert to x religion because of him, nor would I expect him to convert to my (significant lack of) religion.
Nope. The only way I would even remotely consider it would be if his family was ultra-somethingorother and would shun him/us forever if he married outside their belief system and he wouldn't be down with that. Other than that, don't really see any reason to; might just be me being naive, though.
I couldn't see myself putting up with anyone who tries to convert me to anything for more than ten minutes.

If they were religious but kept it to themselves, I'd be cool with that, but they might end up getting annoyed at me when x group of radicals pisses me off and I start hatin' on religion in general. It's a bad habit. :[
Why should I, multicultural/ethnical/religical/x-ical households are the shit. What if we celebrated Hanukkah AND Christmas? MORE PRESENTS FOR ALL!
Unless it's something that is just completely different from Buddhism (or other Dharmic/Vedic religions, in which case the answer is no, but honestly show me an example of such a religion.), I'd probably end up syncretizing with my signifigant other's beliefs.

So I suppose the answer is... Yes and no? At the same time?

On the flip side, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and the like are pluralistic. So I don't expect anything of my signifigant other besides respect.
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Nope. I'm not expecting anyone to convert, and if they expect me to convert to their religion, why would they even be my significant other?
Hell no, i'd try and talk some sense into them. lmao. xD

I think smart and open-minded people are much more attractive, I couldn't see myself ever ending up with someone who was like a.. religious-zombie?
I wouldn't expect for a second for my significant other to change their beliefs to match mine, and in return, they shouldn't expect me to change mine to match theirs. If there's a problem involving religion that gets in the way of our relationship and they're willing to hold it above me, then I'll go out with a "t(-.-t)" and find someone else.
No, no, no. I am welcome to being educated about their religious customs if I ask and e is okay with it and stuff, but I ain't converting for anyone, sorry. I also don't' expect to convert anyone, so yeah. People who would convert for a significant other probably aren't too dedicated to their first religion anyway imho...
I won't end up with a theist. Chances are I won't end up with someone who formally subscribes to any belief system instead of just believing things without labeling them as part of some preset; if I do, it won't be one that will cause the person to try to convert me anyway.

Might end up with a buddhist or something I guess. I won't become one.
No, and neither me or my significant other would care (if he was my significant other).
I won't end up with a theist. Chances are I won't end up with someone who formally subscribes to any belief system instead of just believing things without labeling them as part of some preset; if I do, it won't be one that will cause the person to try to convert me anyway.

Might end up with a buddhist or something I guess. I won't become one.
This, basically. I'd probably just disagree with theists on too many issues to be a decent boyfriend.
Well, being in that position I can safely say I am not going to convert. He talks about it a bit, but doesn't really try to convert me (he just tells me the reasoning behind his point of view and it often boils down to his religion).

I don't know what will happen long term though. It's been 3 years now, I don't ever want to get married - he does. I don't ever want kids - he does. If I were to have kids I would not want them to be raised into religion, and instead decide for themselves when they get old enough. My boyfriend would probably want them raised into his religion.

Compramise can be iffy in this situation. My lack of religion sometimes baffles him too, he just can't wrap his head around how I can think that everything and everyone was not created, but happened naturally.
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