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Zari Island RP

"Next time..."

Perhaps she would forget next time... perhaps...

Aaah, her head. She rubbed it gingerly with a wing as it throbbed slightly. Every now and then, a random pang of pain would surge through it and all thoughts would be interupted, cease suddenly, as if someone had pushed an abrupt "OFF" switch in her mind.

...What was she thinking about again?

Oh yeah! Why... why was Sylvia so persistant?

Hmm... maybe she'd ask.

"Why... why do you want me to fly so bad?"
"Uh, well..." Good question. Siliva scratched her head. She wasn't really sure why, but it was weird to see a Pidgeotto walk around on the ground.

It didn't feel right.

"Because you're a Pidgeotto." Silvia finally replied, thinking that this is probably one of the lamest excuses she had made up in her life time.
Arylett understood completely what she had meant. Pidgeotto were meant to fly, to see one on the ground must have been quite disconcerting. But it... it still seemed like a rather... insufficient reason.

"Because I'm a Pidgeotto? But I never chose to be a Pidgeotto... I never used to be a Pidgeotto." Some slight irritation had escaped into her tone, though she tried with much effort to contain it.

And then she sighed, once again remembering that she might never go back to being human.
Solar nodded. "The problem is, I don't know where to find this Ninetales. Where should we look?"

He turned to Psych. "Do you know where we might find him?"

Psych thought. Hard.

After a while, the Stantler shook his head. "Since Hachi's lair failed, he could be anywhere. Got any ideas?"
"If you are not smart enough to figure it out, we are not," Seki lamented. "Like you said: he could be ANYWHERE. At all.
"If I were a Ninetales, where would I be... Oh wait, I am a Ninetales!" said Shadowflare. "I'd probably be looking for my friends in the most probable place they would be..."
She was annoying the Pidgeotto, Silvia knew. But she just didn't want to give up. A strange stubborn streak inside her just won't give up. The Linoone decided to back up for now; there's no point arguing anymore, since Arylett, more or less, wanted to fly anyway.

The Linoone scratched the back of her head then sighed sheepishly. "Well, I guess that's true... Shall we get going then?"

Maybe, if they can figure out why they were turned into Pokemon in the first place, they can change back. Maybe.
"Like we said, he could be anywhere," said Seki. "I did not see him at the place he used to go to all the time, so we are out of luck for the village."
"That may be true," Psych replied. "However, he may have been captured, so your suggestion is unlikely. We can look anyway, if you want. But if he were looking for us, he would probably check... Hachi's Lair."

"We need to station a few of us to stay at the entrance of Hachi's lair and to greet Wildfire. May, Shadow, Tiger, those will be you. I trust you to complete what I ask, and shout if you find him."

May nodded with a grunt, and the three began heading towards the entrance to Hachi's lair.

"The rest of us..." Psych continued, "...As I said, will search. But don't go too far from here. We want to be able to hear our friends' call."

Solar nodded. "I'll divide us into groups. Marina, you go with Blossom and Fang. Butterfly and Nunchaku stay with Psych. I'll go with Seki and Mysti."

"Perfect," Psych agreed.

Meanwhile, a red shadow was swiftly moving through the forest, among the trees' branches. It thought, agitated, Where in the world are they?


Sora heard something in the treetops. She looked up, and saw a red-orange blur. But she said nothing, and turned back to Arylett and Sylvia. "Wait until you've fully recovered," the winged Raichu recommended.
Seki nodded. "That will do." Just about know he was wondering where in the world his good friend was, maybe doing something with Yam?
Mysti ran around in circles. "I wanna stay, but I'm glad to be doing something..." she said, being way too hyper about it.
Feeling immensely stupid, Silvia sat down next to Sora. "You're right," the Linoone muttered. She decided that she should just keep her mouth shut from now on.

The Raichu seemed to be distracted by something in the trees for a second. Silvia looked at the trees, but she didn't see anything.
Arylett could still feel a small stab of irritation, thinking over and over about how she had crashed and wincing in embarassment. Why... why did she have to be so... stupid? Gah! She looked apologetically at Silvia, she had taken out her anger on her when in fact she was angry with herself and with everything that had happened.

She continued sighing, nodding very lightly (for her head still felt a bit unstable) in response to what Sora had said. Slowly, she stumbled after Silvia and sat down next to her and Sora, noticing dully that the Raichu had spotted something and Silvia too seemed to be looking at it. She attempted to incline her head upwards, but felt a sudden burst of dizziness.

Sora began thinking to herself. "What was that? It looked like it had a big head, and it was heading backwards... I know it was some kind of canine, and was dark red...."

"Wildfire!" She shouted. She turned to the others and said, "I'll see you later." Then she sped off, flying towards the blur. It wasn't heading backwards, it had nine tails! The Raichu could almost hear the Ninetales, and soon, she began to catch up.

Solar beckoned to his team, and began heading to the east, in Sora's direction. Sora was far away, but he just wanted to ask for advice or something, perhaps. At the time, he could also search, and began checking in general directions, occasionally with Foresight.
"Wait, what?" The winged Raichu had suddenly screamed something and rushed off for no reason at all. Silvia was confused. Should she follow the Raichu? Since Linoones can, supposively, run very fast she should be able to catch up.

But she can't leave Arylett....

Or can she?

Silvia cursed under her breath and plopped down next to the injured Pidgeotto. Darn her and her sense of responsibility. Arylett probably won't want her around anyways. Silvia watched the winged Raichu speed away, getting smaller and smaller in the distance.

"So." Attempting to fill in the empty silence with, well, something, Silvia tried to start a conversation with Arylett. "How's your head?"
"Aaaugh... it's still rather... woozy." She kept her head still, trying not to move it too abruptly again. The dizziness was slowly wearing off...

Oh, what an idiot she was! Only she... only Arylett could crash into a boulder. Even as a Pokémon, she retained her ineptitude! Just great... just great. Dimly, she watched the Raichu go off into the distance. Silvia seemed to have been muttering something under her breath... and looked a bit irritated. Vaguely the Pidgeotto wondered why.

"...Where's she going off to? And is... is something wrong...?" She added the last part rather meekly.
"Naw, everything's fine," Silvia waved off the Pidgeotto's question.

"Although I have no idea where Sora is going. She just yelled something really loudly and flew off..."

The Linoone sighed and played with her Escape Rope. Why did Sora suddenly flew off? Maybe she saw something in the trees that she was looking at. Yes, that must be it. But who, or what was it?

"We'll catch up to her when your head gets better. Or we can just travel around on our own to where ever. Or we can sit here and wait for our deaths." Ok, so maybe she shouldn't have said that. Silvia mentally hit herself. Stay positive, stay positive, stay positive...
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