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Behind the Avatar, Redux


life is a cabaret, old chum.

i was in a cabaret. in like march.
For once in my life I had a good photo taken of myself, so I may as well share.


sorry about glare and lackluster image quality; it was taken with an iphone.
So, I actually got a decent picture of myself taken for graduation invitations!

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This is my standard profile picture for social networking things. Taken about a year and a half ago, but I look pretty much the same now.


Also I really hope I've done the image thing right, it looks okay in preview but I'm not certain that actually means it will display properly for everyone else
This is my standard profile picture for social networking things. Taken about a year and a half ago, but I look pretty much the same now.


Also I really hope I've done the image thing right, it looks okay in preview but I'm not certain that actually means it will display properly for everyone else
I can see it fine. You're adorable!
Just got my tattoo this evening!

Here are some pics



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