bruh moment
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
that's a solid point! i'll acknowledge that it's a play scum can use but it doesn't mean that that's uc's metai think it would be more topical to compare it to ultracool's other scum game tbh, but i see the rest of the points you make
also a solid point!i counter with this post from town!uc in tarotWhat am I doing wrong? Did I claimeow too soon?For now, I don't like Ultracool's posts so far and I like having him as one of the wagons![]()
What is so wolfy about me? Should I claim more than being the Wheel of Fortune and giving out free items to whoever visits me like a friendly neighbourhood PEZ- Dispenser?
i applaud your courage for bringing this up considering all instances i remember of you raising this possibility you were w/w with the alleged alienhmm... i also noticed the problems rari/skytini/ysabel are pointing out with zori, but it seems to me a little too good to be true. zori is an excellent mafia player and I just can't see her involuntarily giving up this much evidence against herself. i know i tend to jump to this conclusion an awful lot, but i'm wondering if it may be worth considering the possibility that she's currently an activated alien?
btw i can attest to this and fully subscribe to this readwhere i'm at right now with ultracool is that while his cunning plan is highly unlikely to work out, coming up with unworkable plans is very much a thing he does, as the other scum from Cats (2019) can attest. in that game he developed a bizarrely complicated fakeclaim that even we didn't understand, and stuck with it when it had no chance whatsoever of convincing everyone. feels exceptionally similar to what he's trying to do now with the baiting-mafia-to-target-him, with the only difference being that if hell froze over and it worked out, it would help town rather than mafia. atm i think balance of probability is probably that this is in fact a genuine Ultracool Plan rather than an attempt to fake the existence of one.
yeah ... i thought exactly this about her in ooc, went "maybe this is just too much," and then proceeded to lynch wolf d1. so i don't know about this takeit seems to me a little too good to be true. zori is an excellent mafia player and I just can't see her involuntarily giving up this much evidence against herself.
tbf zori in ooctvt also straight up "joke"claimed her mafia alignment and flavor (sort of) on the first page or twoyeah ... i thought exactly this about her in ooc, went "maybe this is just too much," and then proceeded to lynch wolf d1. so i don't know about this takeit seems to me a little too good to be true. zori is an excellent mafia player and I just can't see her involuntarily giving up this much evidence against herself.
i can't really say if it matches any existing scumplay, but it pinged me as different enough from my understanding of their townplay that it might just be scum!ultracool trying a new appraochi think it would be more topical to compare it to ultracool's other scum game tbh, but i see the rest of the points you makei was going to use your tvt play as an example because ultracool's play in this game looks strikingly similar to thati particularly like the point abt getting ppl to let their guard down cause that's right out of my Mr. Friendly tvt playbook haha
he was mafia in cats!i can't really say if it matches any existing scumplay,
yeah, i understand. i'm weighing "how close is this to tarot" against "how far is this from cats" and it comes out a lot closer to the first thing pinged me as different enough from my understanding of their townplay that it might just be scum!ultracool trying a new appraoch
one example, ultracool was abstaining in tarot mafia when no one else would; however, in this game he wanted to vote inactive players, which seems pretty different
another thing to add is that, in this case, (i assume) this happened in scumchat, even though he was pretty quiet inthread - as opposed to him publicly working through his thoughts herewhere i'm at right now with ultracool is that while his cunning plan is highly unlikely to work out, coming up with unworkable plans is very much a thing he does, as the other scum from Cats (2019) can attest. in that game he developed a bizarrely complicated fakeclaim that even we didn't understand, and stuck with it when it had no chance whatsoever of convincing everyone
he was mafia in cats!
he lurked for like 99% of that game so i can't say i have a very solid grasp of how he'd play as scumhe was mafia in cats!i can't really say if it matches any existing scumplay,
also can attest that he was one of the most active people in scumchat until his demiseanother thing to add is that, in this case, (i assume) this happened in scumchat, even though he was pretty quiet inthread - as opposed to him publicly working through his thoughts here
???i have made the Executive Decision that kokorico is mafia-aligned
no i will not elaborate
i'd personally suggest claiming your badge power if you think it's worth it, but the normal power is still better kept as secret at least for now. of course we already have claims.....being serious, though, I was going to chew people out for revealing stuff this early in the game, but actually I'm starting to wonder whether the traditional received wisdom of "avoid hinting at your role, even vaguely talking about how powerful it is, to stop the mafia figuring out the best targets" is still valid? it seems like many actions have a cost in badges to use, which means they're useless unless you can successfully indicate to your townie allies how useful it would be for them to distribute theirs to you. I don't think I'm quite at the point of wanting to actually claim anything, but... hmm. anyone want to try to talk me into it or out of it?
i kind of think he WAS playing though, he was apparently active in scumchathe lurked for like 99% of that game so i can't say i have a very solid grasp of how he'd play as scum
???i have made the Executive Decision that kokorico is mafia-aligned
no i will not elaborate
Was this a joke post or serious?
no i will not elaborate
i just saw rari's post, and i was not aware of thisi kind of think he WAS playing though, he was apparently active in scumchathe lurked for like 99% of that game so i can't say i have a very solid grasp of how he'd play as scum
I would absolutely assume a role like that is potentially (even likely!) in playUnless mafia has a role like badge-stealer?